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Everything posted by Inu_crazed_90

  1. I have a baby, she took a late nap, meaning she won’t fall asleep for the night at her usual time....also could mean a cranky baby...only time will tell.
  2. She likes watching anime, maybe that’ll help us both lol
  3. Not gonna lie, I also napped lol I suppose I’m ready for the long night
  4. I’m going to need one
  5. Happee Birfday two yer spowce!
  6. Which means I’m in for a long night 🤪 hopefully I don’t go insane
  7. Yes...this
  8. Omg I love the cat chirps. It’s my favorite
  9. I have the potty problems as well
  10. It looks awesome!
  11. She would probably allow the squeezers, that whore
  12. I too did the lazy, and then crammed chores into the second part of today to feel like I wasn’t a waste of life
  13. That’s bescause the fat one is hiding behind the other lol lookit...cat boobs
  14. These are my masters
  15. As is the way that of a cat
  16. Such cuteness
  17. I mean...it wasn’t the biggest shocker of the series. She was a junkie bitch...
  18. Careful not to inflate it too much, you know popped balloons I heard doesn’t feel too great.
  19. Well then....gross
  20. I didn’t get that joke either
  21. And now I’ve given you candy
  22. Final fantasy IX
  23. I don’t think girls are trying to dig the toonami line up lolll
  24. *checks pockets* loose candies?
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