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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. TOKYO — (AP) — Next week Japan will ease tough coronavirus border controls that have been criticized as xenophobic and damaging to the economy. The new rules, however, provide only a slight improvement: 5,000 new entrants per day, instead of the current 3,500, and nowhere near the estimated 64,000 a day that were entering for long-term visits before the pandemic. The 5,000 daily arrivals also includes Japanese nationals returning to the country, which means hundreds of thousands of foreigners will still struggle to enter. https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/world/small-japan-border/WAAF5R6XFMDYFTLOGTULDFHUKU/ So they're always gonna prioritize getting Japanese citizens back first, and then I imagine people with visas. I don't like your poll options, but I'm sorry, you're most likely not gonna even be able to enter the country this year.
  2. Russia no longer has legal airspace access to Kaliningrad anymore.
  3. I sympathize.
  4. Yes, it was closed for a few hours yesterday. Now the mods are severely limiting what is getting posted and deleting many comments.
  5. If any of you need something to pass the time, check out the Russia subreddit. They seem to be going through an existential crisis right now . . . lawl
  6. Tangential, why is it being spelled as Kyiv now? I know it's the more correct pronunciation, but I remember it being spelled as Kiev for the longest time, including the conquest of Crimea in 2014. Edit: Oh, I see. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KyivNotKiev
  7. When Life Alert went from this: To this:
  8. The worrying thing about China is cyber warfare. Remember that one Pentagon senior official stepped down and said China is well ahead of us in that regard, mostly because tech giants, mainly Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft, aren't helping the government as much as he feel they should. As much as I'm worried about Taiwan right now, I think it's too early for China to do anything about it. Unlike Ukraine, a poor mostly flat country, Taiwan is a rich mountainous island. Invasion there will be much harder. Not to mention all the American bases nearby in the Ryukyu islands, along with the Japanese navy. Chinese warfare would affect the global economy, and like you said it would probably be more a detriment to them because of their reliance on cheap exports. Still, Taiwan has raised their caution alert. They were the first to raise concern about coronavirus back in December 2019, and nobody really listened to them. I think for now, China is gonna slowly embolden themselves by sending more convoys of ships here and there, just as provocative measures.
  9. No, you're a bitch. Keep that shit on reddit.
  10. Brandenburg Gate in Germany with Ukrainian flag colors
  11. Protest in St Petersburg (looks like Russians are more serious about masks than Americans too)
  12. Pussy Riot was right about Putin.
  13. Well, latrine cleaners still need to respect the chain if command, yaknow.
  14. I had an Outback doordash order worth at least 50 dollars. The guy order is steak well done. What a waste.
  15. Russians have a history of violently ousting the ruling class, so . . . I guess there may be hope.
  16. He's just a demagogue, telling the geriatrics what is most convenient at the time to think and believe. He knows what he's doing. The sad thing is many of his viewers were alive during McCarthyism and will eat this shit up. In other words, propaganda.
  17. From McCarthyism to this shit, I don't think I can take this country seriously at all anymore.
  18. Next is Taiwan. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-says-must-raise-alertness-over-ukraine-crisis-2022-02-23/
  19. @DragonSinger Todrick just lost to Miesha, mostly because everyone saw all the horrible shit he was saying behind their backs, along with his twitter history. Thought you'd like to know, lol
  20. You can't spell amusement without semen used to he my favorite, but I now have a new one: you can't spell American Dream without Eric Andre.
  21. I bet she didn't even wash her rice the right way. What a whore.
  22. Cucumber citrus water is actually pretty tasty, and what's nice is that it's almost calorie-free. Next time I go to the store, I'm gonna buy some mint leaves to give it that final touch. (Yep, trying to diet again.)
  23. Florida
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