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Days Won
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Everything posted by midnight
Ours is on a Saturday. 2:00 in the afternoon is too early and too inconvenient of a time for us. Disco and I don’t have a terrible amount of free time, and when we do, we can think of a million things better to do than go to a reunion. On the other hand, it would give us a break from the kids and housework. Also, there was no mention of alcohol. I don’t drink, but I might have to in order to tolerate most of those folks. I don’t remember many of them, but I have to converse with anyone about sitting next to them in whatever class, I’ll need to be buzzed to keep up with that crap.
I feel ya on that. At least yours had a better theme than ours does. Burgers. Hot dogs. Bring a side dish. The hell kinda shit is that?
Man, that’s harsh.
I would like to think of my reunion being like the reunion in Sunny in Philly, only no one at school was that cool. Of course, disco and I could burst in there and sing Freedom, smash a beer bottle and dip.
I was looking through the people that are in the reunion group, and I just couldn’t remember many of them. I got along with almost everyone in school, but I hated school. And after so many years, I don’t have anything to catch up on with any of them. I don’t care what they’re doing these days. And 2:00 in the afternoon. Burgers and hot dogs. Everyone is asked to bring a side dish. Plus, you have to pay to get in. It just sounds like a whole lot of hell no to me.
Storms rained ours out yesterday. Looks like we are getting more storms today.
I had two best friends in school. One is a pothead from way back. (I might want to go just to smoke one with him), and the other, I haven’t seen since high school. I’m 99.9999% sure that I will not be attending.
The fuck are those? (Revokes gym membership and looks into muacle fitness).
I’m sure that all reunions are only meant for the class and their partners and their children. I think you will have to sit yours out, grandpa.
I was contemplating going, but after browsing the reunion’s Facebook group, I think I’ll pass. I don’t even remember but maybe a handful of those people. Also, it’s gonna be at 2:00 in the afternoon. Who does that?
You mean you rushed UPstairs don’t you? From your mom’s basement?
Happy Birthday, wacky! Anytime is the appropriate time to drink on your day of birth.
Look at the positive. At least you were a one night stand and not a no night stand. If you woke up and she was gone, with no note or anything left behind, one of two things happened; one, you were used. Two, you were a horrible lay and she left as quickly as she could.
(Shakes Magic 8-Ball). My sources say NO.
It’s Labor Day. She had shit to do.
I was just watching a video of a new factory in Ethiopia. They are taking all of the garbage from their landfill and burning it, (through a more elaborate process) and creating electricity. Also, this is creating recycled/purified water, and the ash from burning the garbage is creating bricks. It’s a hell of a concept, that supplies all of these things to people, while eliminating their garbage problem at the same time. It makes you wonder. One of the poorest nations is doing something this great, while our nation doesn’t seem interested. It’s all about money here. It’s all about surviving and leaving less of a footprint behind for those folks.
Not only does weed killer suck for that reason, but it works. By that I mean, the weed killer does such a good job of killing the weeds, that it kills everything around it. I’ve never used it but, I have a cousin that uses Round-Up around everything, and his yard looks like shit. There are dirt circles around all of his trees and plants, and everything else. As much as I hate to weed eat, I’d rather do that, and preserve the greenery around all of our stuff in the yard.
True. Finding the motivation to actually get started is the hardest part. Weed eating on the other hand, just never becomes cool. We have a giant yard, with several shops, fountains, pools, flower beds, etc., that have to be weeded around. It takes around 3 hours just to weed eat. Another couple of hours to mow. And that’s on a zero-turn mower. At least the leaves are starting to fall here. Because fuck mowing but maybe one or two more times, this miserable summer.
Slimer was just a nut? Interesting.
Cutting grass is the worst. No. Weed eating is the worst. I will be so glad when the fall weather arrives, and we can park the mower until spring.
Sometimes it is great to get out of the house and let the kids be kids and enjoy being outside, other than in the yard. I’m glad it rained, but it would’ve been nice if it had waited an hour or two. We did this a couple of weeks ago, and had a great time. Disco and I cook before we leave, and carry a big picnic to the town rec center and eat and let our son play on the slides and playground equipment. He has a blast. We pick up the other daughter and the grand baby and just make an afternoon of it. It is a very good thing to unplug and disconnect from the internet sometimes, and enjoy the world around us.
Her pain seems to have gone away for the time being. Well, some of the pain. Hopefully it will remain dormant until she gets to see the dr. Glad you will get yours taken care of soon.
That sucks, man. Disco called last month to set up an appointment with the dentist, and her appointment is in the middle of NEXT month. Fucking two month waiting list to see the dentist! Ridiculous.