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Everything posted by midnight

  1. I don’t think the counter is messed up. That could’ve been me going back and forth to see if any balloons had been added. I’m persistent. 😂
  2. Nah. You had a great topic, and I came in a fubar’d the hell out of it. Sorry about that. Just trying to post a picture of some balloons.
  3. But see, I think Trigun is cool and I would not give up until he got the proper congratulations he deserves! So neener neener!
  4. (Hangs head in shame and sends Trigun 500 size 36” balloons. And 500 24” balloons).
  5. Thanks, Trigun, Kudasai, and disco. I appreciate the help, very much!! Sorry to be a pain in the ass. I’m dumb as fuck when it comes to those things.
  6. That was a pain in the ass!
  7. Fuck
  8. Mine doesn’t have that. Mobile is different I suppose.
  9. I don’t know where everyone finds images to post. I just go to google images and click on the picture I want, and I hold my finger on it and copy it, then paste it in this big white box here. I can see the image in the box after I paste it, but when I hit submit, nothing shows up. I couldn’t find the url. Yeah I just copied the image itself. I tried to open the image in another tab and when I finally did, this is what I got: https://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.partyfeverltd.co.uk%2Fmedia%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fcache%2F1%2Fimage%2F9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95%2Fm%2Fo%2Fmontage_acong.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.partyfeverltd.co.uk%2Fcongratulations-latex-balloons.html&docid=0yulZR-1W60zVM&tbnid=AVDhJri0SWUQpM%3A&vet=1&w=1200&h=1400&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
  10. Didn’t work either. To hell with it.
  11. both showed up on Raw tonight! Taker is gonna whip HHH’s ass at Super Showdown.
  12. I went to the picture and pressed and held my finger on it and copied image. Then pasted it here. It showed up until I hit submit. Then nothing posted.
  13. Yes.
  14. Fuck it I can’t do it.
  15. Thanks. At least you give me some insight. That asshole named disco, (such an ass) gives no insight. Just stupid(ular) logic.
  16. Thanks, because that helps.
  17. I can see the image, then hit submit and nothing comes up.
  18. Yeah. I took a glance, but ehh. I’m more curious how to post pictures, say from google images, here. I’m on an iPhone and just can’t seem to figure it out. I can post videos from YouTube and pictures from my own albums, but when I post something from google images, just the link shows up. Not the picture.
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