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Everything posted by midnight

  1. It should have been in the games folder, and I’m sure it’ll get moved, but it is dead compared to this one. I’ve already tested cooking and sports. Got nothing.
  2. I’ve got you as a friend on Xbox. Disco sent me the info last year or the year before. Pooterman here. You just recently changed your gamer tag, right? Starkiller? I’ll hit you up when I get on it again.
  3. I just wanted you to taste what I had just tasted, in case it was poisoned. Because I mean, fuck. If I’m gonna die, you can come with me, babe. 😎👀🤣
  4. I’m on the One S. Have yet to upgrade to the X yet. I need to, since the new games are 4K. My tv is 4K so I feel like I’m missing out.
  5. Nintendo hasn’t been my forte for a while. I loved Game Cube, but I don’t like Wii or Switch.
  6. I liked my Genesis better than the Super Nintendo.
  7. (Takes PS4 and tosses it out). Cool story. How’s that Atari working out for you?
  8. Not talking about pc systems here, or Nintendo Switch. Just Xbox and PS4. Which is better?
  9. I agree. Not much happening today.
  10. Zeni just isn’t worth it anymore.
  11. I don’t care for Netflix anymore either. I like Hulu better. Except for last night. Hulu was having issues and I couldn’t log on. Netflix has a ton of shitty shows and a few B movies. Nothing special. I’m not happy with the continuing price increases either.
  12. It’s ok. I haven’t spent much time in there yet. I got used to Free For All, and kinda like it there. But yeah, I scroll through from time to time, reading the things that got moved there. Some funny things I’ve seen.
  13. Just eat a burrito and wait. Don’t be a puss.
  14. What school do you work at, because that should be public knowledge. For reasons.
  15. I should have figured as much.
  16. You sounded like you were having an allergic reaction to your cum sock. Wtf kind of “alpha” laughs like that? Nice tits, brotato chip.
  17. What in the boo boo kitty fuck was that shit?
  18. One day, we will watch his prison Vlogs.
  19. I just went and typed his name in and got 4 videos. Dude looks like a kid diddler.
  20. I have not. Jesus. I didn’t know he had one. What’s his channel called?
  21. Zeni, you do realize no one believes you right. I’m betting that’s not even you in your pictures. If you are the dude in the pictures, take one right now and post it right here, flipping the finger and sticking out your tongue. Prove me wrong. The ball is in your court. Bet you have an excuse why you can’t. @Zenigundam
  22. Thanks for the heads up. I didn’t scroll down much. But I will definitely avoid any thread that says “look at my asshole.”
  23. Ya know, I haven’t really been in it that much. I kinda got used to the Free For All section and like it the best. But yeah, it’s about what I thought it’d be. The land of misfit posts.
  24. So, Zeni is good for ratings?
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