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Everything posted by neverkeepchangin11

  1. she looks like she gives terrible bjs
  2. Really? Huh. Well.... ok then
  3. does any icon look good?
  4. frustrating yet rewarding.
  5. Smoked up a batch of beef and venison jerky yesterday. Getting closer to my goal. There is a local fishery that smokes a bunch of lake fish and beef jerky. When I was in school I would wander down to the dock and get three pieces of jerky almost every day then go to soccer or basketball or my favorite, baseball. I have chased that jerky flavor for years. Different cuts, marinades, spices, wood. It is my white whale. This time: Bottom Round cut into 6x1x1 strips. Marinade in 1 part worcestershire, 1 part soy sauce, 1/2 a cup of whole peppercorns crushed by hand with a rolling pin, 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar, and 2 tablespoons of fish sauce. 4 hour soak time. 50 gallon steel barrel smoker, lump charcoal as fuel, whole log apple wood as smoke source, and temp around 200 for 4 hours. Closest I've come yet. Usually I am a cherry wood fan but the apple was slightly more subtle, will continue to use. Only trouble is I live on a cherry orchard, not an apple orchard. So securing quality apple wood is more difficult. Anyway, their jerky is very beefy, light on the marinade flavoring but solid smoke flavor with that hint of 100 years of smoking fish, hence the fish sauce and simple/quick marinade. Biggest problem with this batch was I didn't keep a close enough eye on the temps. At one point I let it smoke at a cool temp for too long. So the meat stayed too wet for about an hour in the middle with heavy cool smoke. Leaves too strong an after taste. Next time I will stick by the smoker and keep the temp up and shoot for a 2-3 hour smoke instead of a 4 hour. Overall, solid effort. Promising result.
  6. I was hoping this was about boobs
  7. that makes you disposable. start packing friend.
  8. and some gratuitous puppy pictures
  9. My special snowflake
  10. just adding to your comment since it seemed like you were saying the ira and 401k are vastly different. the important bit is the roth. didnt want that to get muddled
  11. Roth 401k comes out after taxes on your paycheck. traditional is before taxes.
  12. it does sound right because it is right. get it together.
  13. Mazel Tov
  14. oh my
  15. tis indeed
  16. that seems like a contender for biggest change
  17. Aloha
  18. Bonjour
  19. proud of you
  20. With the sn great balls of jizz
  21. Pass
  22. Arcadia Brewing Go Save the Pils
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