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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. You need to get in touch with your spiritual self. I do think most of the Bible is bogus, though.
  2. Band camp was in my school's parking lot in the sweltering heat. Went 3x.
  3. Its raining here so hopefully itll warm up after the rain passes and i can go back to exercising all this fat off my ass.
  4. If youre here conscious and typing and thats not enough nothing i say will be.
  5. Im blessed enough to have divine intervention in my life tho.
  6. This happened friday, too lol And i REALLY. REALLLY. REALLY. didnt want to be here. I made her pull up the time off calendar for the whole center and sure enough im on it for today. BYE BITCHES!
  7. Oh u lost hopeless child. Might as well ask me what good sex feels like.
  8. My ex fuckbuddy's mom likes and shares my stuff. Suck it up
  9. Hes very real. White European jesus is whats fake.
  10. Fast and furious 2 to whatever
  11. And only one moon. Lame.
  12. 😳
  13. What a waste
  14. Im not your little girl lost lol but i wanna trade for it!
  15. Theres...natives...in your spaceship?
  16. In the great scheme of things, hell just doesnt make sense. I do believe in karma...in negative and positive energies in the universe...but not hell. http://deadstate.org/retired-priest-hell-was-invented-by-the-church-to-control-people-with-fear/
  17. She paid for it all. Game, seats and a buffet.
  18. I listened to books on cd, apple music and played around on here-the time went by fast
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