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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. i have no time read all this but im so sorry. best of luck!
  2. he already has a gf
  3. youre back! <3
  4. you would have to ask.
  5. nah im done. getting too old for his shit. i can find a real man.
  6. He was pretty pissed off. But you never know anything.
  7. Tired of his cars always broke down no home having ass.
  8. she turned him off females for good
  9. smart. i should start telling people this, too.
  10. i thought he meant naraku tried to impress a girl?
  11. you can like things gays like without actually being completely gay
  12. i knew it! gaydar on point!
  13. daft punk is so gay dood
  14. i dont mean that thats bad. i love the gays but i bet meowth listens to daft punk and loves musicals now i resume being forced to watch pokemon with my kid
  15. And wtf up with them not saying anything about the snow until today? I planned ALL week on taking my daughter across town to the movies and us getting bubble teas. ALL WEEK. It got me thru the day. Ugh.
  16. Just out to ruin my day off...then if it had snowed one day earlier i couldve had a friday off. Fuck you, winter!
  17. Its been 65° all week!
  18. i have to click on a bunch of different links until the option shows up. what am i missing?
  19. Ive been bad. Very bad. Mod me!
  20. i just finished The Winners Kiss (last of a trilogy) by marie rutkoski. simply amazing. every paragraph was truly just...artful. shes incredible. reading anne rices new book now
  21. when your grandkids ask you about the greatest love in your life tell them you ran from it.
  22. not hooking up harry with hermoine is the lamest literary faux pas ever
  23. I would like to know more about the back of your penis. Teach me!
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