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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. While i was looking for stuff a member of management saw me and asked me what was wrong. I told her and she was pissed!
  2. Yah it was a TINY bit unorganized. But really. REALLY. They had to have had spent at least 15 minutes over here. And EVERYTHING was touched...including my sacred sepiroth who was placed in my mug. Call center bitches so fucking petty!😡
  3. He wants to be an ass abt it so i no longer care. Theres prolly way hotter guys im actually gonna bang
  4. I looked in the bible for help. Bad idea. The bible was like "ill ruin your life whenever i feel like it...i dont care about the fucking day." 😐😞😟😥
  5. 😔i just want to see. wasnt gonna try to put a ring on it or anything
  6. are u truly hawt? cutie says you are
  7. i tried to get the day off but it sneaked up on me and i was too late!
  8. Yeah ..kinda lol
  9. ah. good to see some of that 7th grade french stuck with me! id love this! bet the sex scenes are hawt
  10. i try hard to enjoy mine but i miss my Aflac job. where im at now is boring af. ah well.
  11. came back to me in the mail today! glee! so glad some dishonest person didnt swipe it. theres still good people out there!
  12. You don't know poof does porn do you
  13. porn star. poof met him once at a um porn star hangout or something
  14. She's addicted to roblox now but ill ask her when she get home
  15. Don't say that!
  16. I haven't applied...waiting until this new position starts
  17. Did he get stuck in the snow
  18. Are you trying to replace miku?
  19. Im not 100% serious but theres still value in what i was saying
  20. Ha when i was a 17 i used to hiss at people like a cat lol wtf i forgot about that
  21. Well maybe if a bitch tried a new approach a bitch would get some different results
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