I feel like ive broken my food addiction this time around after just one week...4 days
I dont have the strong stupid cravings and now im forcing myself to eat when i do eat and cant eat as much
When i do eat my chewing muscles get all tired which is scary but im not bussing all this food down
I haven't had anything sweet since the strawberry shortcake incident. I bought some peach cobbler today but haven't eaten it yet
Ive been crapping up badly...probably due to a great decline in water intake but taking my mom old lady vitamins seems to have stopped the worst of it but i cant drink enough water. Working on that all day tomorrow at work
I feel like im on crack. I had to leave work early today but tomorrow imma take a kpin and see if that calms me down so i can make it thru the day but im manic as fuuuuck lol
Oh! And i can put on socks and reach my feet without straining. No effort at all. After just one week. I haven't weighed myself cuz i still haven't bought a new scale but i think my belly shrank a lil bit and im not constantly pulling my shirt down over it lol
I may not buy a scale for another month or so so i dont tempt myself into eating even tho i have no desire
So the takeaway is i gotta drink lots more water. I feel great tho. Sleeping deeper and getting up earlier before the alarm goes off. Haha madison got mad last nite cuz she said i was snoring real bad. I was knocked the fuck out last nite which is good cuz i stopped taking my sleep meds since my birthday and the heart scare.