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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. 🙄 u can do it hush
  2. Google is yer friend lol
  3. Nevermind...just hooked up with THE hottest fucking guy LOL We are meeting for coffee tomorrow!
  4. Fetlife...all the dudes are gross Young guys see my age and dont message me. And POF also only shows me men my age None are attractive to me...they all look like highschool coaches...and i hate beards. Tinder is just fuckbois but im abt to start mine back up
  5. The trumpanzees pile up reporting stupid shit like that when the dig is really good on them
  6. I just gonna start journaling more
  7. Its on the switch....im getting it!
  8. 😍 what were? When? Details!
  9. I love Toxicity on rock band.
  10. What about rolled up newspapers?
  11. I just read all my old messages to my good friend. Whelp i can see why she stopped talking to me LOL I dont remember writing half of that shit Do u have any old board memory or old memories of me? Im trying to see something
  12. You put it in your coochie and it holds all the blood But its for loose pussies cuz u gotta jam your whole hand up there to place in position. Nooooo thanks
  13. Wow. No way. Zeitgeist YOU don’t know?
  14. 1st rule of hoohah club is dont tell Phillies what goes on in the hoohah club
  15. Fb removed a post for me just using an example of racism... like i said what if black people said this about you blah blah and they banned me lol
  16. So far fb hasn't taken the bait
  17. Im trying to get banned by claiming white people are bringing back diseases with their anti vax bullshit
  18. Madison got slightly hurt at school and i rushed home to see my baby
  19. Yup!
  20. Go clean it now
  21. Well fed and without worms tho
  22. Youll die poor
  23. Ever worked with someone who committed suicide? Cuz i have... at some of my jobs they had to lock doors to the balcony cuz people kept trying to jump off. I was at work another time where a man shot himself in the head in the parking lot. Just dont argue this one and stfu
  24. Because you minimum wage level. Peolple working really hard are stressed and pissed off more
  25. My whole sex life on there and fb messenger 😭
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