it was one ive nver seen before. called phillips. it was the only one that didnt say overnight so i thought itd work faster. im going back and just getting ducolax. i hope they let me exchange it. its gonna be so embarrassing - exchanging laxatives LOL
i always eat really well ... as you can see from my pics LOL
i guess the WORST thing recently was strawberry shortcake out of the vending machine... or no... the EGG sandwich out of the vending machine at work... had be running to the bathroom... its a tie between the two... i cant believe i kept eating that wet red dyed shit on that shortcake lol
if i can get over the cgi younger will, i might go see it
the trailer looked insufferable because younger will had the same weird expression on his face the entire time
Im afraid if i do anything whorish itll scare him off. He says he wants to date. Ive never actually dated anyone. If we hit it off, when do i get to fuck him? I am so
Hes 15 years younger than me and way way outta my league
I don't know how to handle a dude that doesn't have bad self esteem. HALP
Wheres my Seduction book WHERES MY SEDUCTION BOOK