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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Dammit. I wanted one of chik fil a but didnt eat breakfast cuz i am not hungry. You know..cant eat when not hungry cuz of the mcfattiness.
  2. Lol but thats what you did. You said a whole bunch of nothing and ended it with "i really don't know what you're talking about anyway cuz im never here."
  3. See youre the last person to comment on the state of someone s life if you cant see that someone who has nothing good to say about their life and lives only to troll or shit on other people isnt happy.
  4. @Rogue_Alphonseyoure rambling and i can't follow your post
  5. Lol you think my life is in shambles but ignore the nuclear wasteland thats buddy's life which is such a disaster hes on multiple drugs and drinking and has to fb stalk me to feel better about himself...gtf outta here fucking hypocrite
  6. I posted because the zeni show was lame then i left. When i checked back i had a gazillion replies and decided to answer scoob. Why dumpster fire all my threads? Why do you bend to the will of buddyroe- one who is filled with malice and only killing your board? You think people will want to open up with someone toxic as him ruling the place by proxy? You wonder why its dying..thats why..its boring...no one posts anything relevant... because no one can be themselves because you bend to the will of all the bullies.
  7. Or if your boring board lasts that long.
  8. @bnmjy do you have something to do with this?
  9. how could u miss the whole debacle? some military dude I met in 2007. i can't quit him.
  10. THE. NUMERO UNO. ONE AND ONLY. THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY. "Comparisons are easily doneOnce you've had a taste of perfectionLike an apple hanging from a treeI picked the ripest oneI still got the seed" expect the threads. Feb 2019.
  11. but DayZ is so cute!
  12. it's a little girl's turtle and that's how she spells it anyway....spent $260 on the fucking turtle tank and accessories...gonna have someone set it up tomorrow because the tank is too heavy for me to lift. (I was expecting $150 but ah well....this his last tank...if he outgrows this one he's going on craiglist)
  13. Ok i will
  14. Are you gonna be around later? Want u to see ziper's new home.
  15. Not everything. 😭
  16. Its looks kidnapped Hey puppy...you want rescue from scary life sized gnome, dont ya, puppy?
  17. Thats a sheep. Baa
  18. I understand. Trust me. I do. And i apologize for being rude. You know i was jk. Glad to see youre still being awesome here and good energy these days yourself.
  19. "I have a problem with a vein down there and thought i was infertile" is what my baby daddy said
  20. You sugah daddy not fuckboi....or hubby or boss man lol
  21. I never seriously asked for a dic pic. Guys so superfluously love to throw them in your face. This backfired once when this dood tried to bang me with a 4 inch pecker. Wish id asked him for a dic pic!
  22. Um ok strange one we u say Hows life? Still in school?
  23. He can be the most attractive gnome in my yard
  24. He looks like a garden gnome now. Not saying unattractive but i want him to guard my plants.
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