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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Whats it like? Are you Michael Jackson? Do u have more pics of it?
  2. Reading thru my bank documents...omg... My new credit card thru them will put insurance on my cell phone if i pay the bill with my card The checking...CHECKING ACCOUNT...earns DIVIDENDS if i use it a lot? Dont know how the fuck that works. Something was wrong with my debit card and i went to the branch and they printed me a new card...not temporary...with my name on it and everything They refund atm fees Just ...omg...this bank...why didnt i do this years ago? Gonna meet up with someone about setting up a 529 and child account for madison. She will not be fucked over by the likes of for profit civilian banks.
  3. Holy shit i gotta play that Michael Jackson game. Roooooaaaaad trrriipp!
  4. Nah...i have fun on fb with my friends i moved away from or who have moved away But yes...i go to trumps fb and fox news to troll and even most of those people make higher quality responses than the slow mo degenerates of this board. And its not the whole board...just the same 4 or 5 idiots bringing the whole place down
  5. This is hilarious. Itd make a great new joke!
  6. Im the stupid one? This is the only place online where people have trouble understanding me. Everywhere else i go people have no problem picking up what I'm putting down. Especially not on the bipolar support group. Theyd destroy most of the silly comments made in this thread.
  7. I knew more than i thought. I was right about you not being a true Southerner. Nothing wrong with CA roots. I freaking wish i lived there instead of sucky ass armpit of hell SC.
  8. I havent seen a recent pic of you...probably a reason for that.
  9. You dont like sweet tea either. I cant believe youre from the South. You have the taste buds of someone from like California or something
  10. Stilgar only posts for likes on his lame attempts at insults...so...for attention.
  11. All uninformed voices make no impact on my day. I had a lot more going on than posting here. Sorry your life revolves around this board.
  12. Ive slipped in the shower before. All the extra cushion broke my fall. Wasnt even sore after...so please...what pandora station should i put on thats pure fire?
  13. Lol i saw no unusually repulsive pics or any really old women so no i didnt see you
  14. You're cute.
  15. Its ok...we all make mistakes. Dont beat yourself up. Whats a good booty shaker song?
  16. I didn't and like most men, i dont care what you look like or see you. You do know hormones affect your sex drive, right?
  17. Im having an unusually good day today actually. Thanks for asking. Watching family guy. Bought to go shower with my new waterproof miniboom speaker. Suggest some songs i can twerk to in the shower. I know u know some good ones.
  18. You like to make up shit. I think its the low estogen affecting your grasp on reality. I cussed out the sonics boy and drove off and went somewhere. Im not dumb enough to get bad service and then eat tampered food like some folks who try to carry 10 lbs of cat litter several blocks and dont know how to call an uber.
  19. I haven't been able to skip my geodon without becoming incredibly manic and extremely irritable Used to be the good kind of manic..but its horrible if i miss a dose...so i have not missed one in quite some time. So get off that i dont take my meds tip. I need them to function normally...not to get high with rando bitches and crash my $150 car into a telephone pole.
  20. Even rich people value their money and dont like paying someone to treat them like shit.
  21. Nah some girly on fb. A friend of a friend. I was like...wow...genius!
  22. By shoving it way up far her untouched ass?
  23. Im a liberal tired of the incredibly horrible service. Like...i work for my money. I was all for a living wage 10 years ago until i moved here and get poor service 4/5. My rich friend lived down the street from here and MOVED ACROSS TOWN because the service is horrible. He is worst than me...hed complain to corporate and get the poor minimum wage losers fired. Many times. And oh...hes rich from money passed down from the building of williams brice stadium. So thats someone who doesnt have to work at all getting your imaginary 3 job juggling folks fired. Hope that makes you feel warm and gooshy inside.
  24. Why dont you shut up and wait for the next Packard thread?
  25. Where did i ever say it was worse?
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