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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. So there's a bigger bitch here?
  2. Yes we did. My memory is awful tho All i remember is Afk Away from keyboard Chats were a big thing when the internet started up and chats went a lot slower. There were no bots. People were nicer (no trolls) and we'd spend like maybe an hour or two chatting online then go the fuck outside. Lol
  3. It was in notes we passed around zeni jeez...people found ways to communicate without the internet. I know. Ancient concept for you.
  4. Haha..queen bitch out bitched ya
  5. Thats that good ole 95' ish You dont know nuttin bout dat young son!
  6. Tell everyone my bidness why dont u
  7. No middle school speak is: K bai l8r
  8. Its a bipolar app
  9. Husband! Im back from banishment! For now.
  10. Question.. What can u tell me about goodrx? The drop off girl took it no problems but am i gonna get shafted when i pick it up? (It wasnt in stock)
  11. While whitney houstons "run to you" plays in the background. Fantasy of mine.
  12. Where is phillies. I want to run into his arms in slomo.
  13. I asked a question to the board. Problem wit dat?!
  14. Im bipolar on 3 different powerful meds...and my mood chart still looks like below. Im lucky if i make it out of bed in the morning and manage to shower...basic shit like that. So if i accomplish things that may seem insignificant that others dont do or couldn't..it means something to me.
  15. Yah i did love this lol
  16. Uuhhhhh *backs away slowly*
  17. Oh yes...just what i need...more unhappy smartmouth virgins
  18. Doubt much goes on in that one room you sit in and post on here all day. If u tried to post about your life all it would be is... "I said something mean to somebody on the internet 727472828 times today....hee hee hee" Loser
  19. Youre way more boring...actually..you are the most boring people here. I doubt you even leave the house most days.
  20. I really dont know. But yeah i guess if all those stories are true. Esp the restraining order and making girls cry part.
  21. Ive had to repeat things but not the entire fucking order. What the fuck. Get your thumb out your ass and ears and listen. If i did that at my job id fail quality and get dinged for not actively listening.
  22. I was a drive thru girl and i never did something so fucking retarded....he heard absolutely nothing and i hope he gets fired ...because...i ..kind made it so theyd have to tell his boss he fucked up
  23. Me: i want a hot dog with chili mustard and onion, a crispy chicken sandwich only the sandwich and a 2 crispy strip kids meal with apple juice and honey mustard Stupid ass sonics dummy:uuuuhhhh...excuse me...you want a kids hot dog meal? Me: no. You telling me i have to start all the way back over Dumbfuk: yes because i was taking your order but i sort of wasnt listening Me:*#^^!^@^^#&^^@^^@^^!!!!! Thats one more reason not to vote for a living wage Also...this was my 2nd place i tried to order. I drove off from wendys because the stupid bitch didnt know how to say "hold one moment" and let me ordr then told me she was busy Is this a SC thing or a fast food hires nothing but idiots thing? GOING GROCERY SHOPPING TOMORROW. before i get arrested fucking up some drive thru moron.
  24. Well i need gps to get somewhere after work so i gotta get off my phone. Later biiittccheeessssss
  25. I plan on breaking up his marriage and have started collecting evidence. Isnt that awesome? What do you think?
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