Me: i want a hot dog with chili mustard and onion, a crispy chicken sandwich only the sandwich and a 2 crispy strip kids meal with apple juice and honey mustard
Stupid ass sonics dummy:uuuuhhhh...excuse want a kids hot dog meal?
Me: no. You telling me i have to start all the way back over
Dumbfuk: yes because i was taking your order but i sort of wasnt listening
Thats one more reason not to vote for a living wage
Also...this was my 2nd place i tried to order. I drove off from wendys because the stupid bitch didnt know how to say "hold one moment" and let me ordr then told me she was busy
Is this a SC thing or a fast food hires nothing but idiots thing?
GOING GROCERY SHOPPING TOMORROW. before i get arrested fucking up some drive thru moron.