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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Pajamas on b4 8pm. Wild Child.
  2. Wtf u want? I was fapping to Klingon lesbian porn...its really..enthusiastic
  3. I worked two days last week and still gotta full pay check. I feel bad for ya, son.
  4. Yah i think you can choose to have a c section. Mine was emergency, though.
  5. So i just went to smartphone medic. There's a tiny crack in the corner of the screen they say they have to go thru the screen to get to the battery so i have to pay to replace the screen too. They want 300 fucking dollars. I almost threw it at him. Its a really nice tablet tho...so i might fix it when im refund rich.
  6. If i got a new tablet, id lose my plan thru tmobile I dont think the tablet CAN be fixed. Its 5 years old. Those lithium batteries only meant to last two years
  7. Me as a kid. I did my own hair. Lord, how did i survive my mother? lol
  8. Ok pm me address. Put it in mail today
  9. Wont even light up when i plug the charger in. I have 200 mb a month free mobile internet for life but i cant use it cuz no tablet. If i upgrade, i lose my plan. Anybody want the 200mbs? I can mail you the sim card.
  10. She has my temperament at times. How angry i get. Lol.
  11. At this point they were listening to the instructor about class starting and madison had stopped talking And she brings her toys everywhere. The gym is in another room. I get there early so she can play with her friends. They also have toys there for kids waiting for class or siblings.so stfu
  12. No. I think the rule is for c sections. They pull all your guts out to get the baby. I guess they wanna make sure they put your guts back in good enough for you to poo before you leave.
  13. Fun fact: when you have a baby, they wont release you from the hospital until you have a bowel movement. Happiest poop evah....(i takes baby homes now yayyyy)
  14. I definitely dont have her attention span to sit and draw and concentrate on every detail that she does She loves people. Even as a baby. Toddlers are supposed to go thru a stage where theyre afraid of people. She never did. I learned that for an entire school year when the other kids learned that she could draw, she took time to teach the other kids how to draw as well FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR Heres her at gymnastics. All the kids in her class are surrounding her because shes excitedly showing and telling them about pokemon on her Nintendo Ds xl... She also brings her stuffed pokemon to class and plays with them with the other kids Ive always hated other people and im very shy. People in the past used to complain because i never spoke. Madison speaks to everyone and is comfortable in all settings. So who u saying sucks now just because shes mine?
  15. Zeni how do u feel about the sonic movie coming out?
  16. He looks like he wants to introduce me to our savior, Lord and Jesus Christ.
  17. Youd know if i was diabetic. Like i wouldnt shut up about it.
  18. I maybe fat but yer head is still bigger than mine 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
  19. So u dont mske typos mr gnome the perfect
  20. He's psycho
  21. I meant to type "if I'm diabetic " fucktard
  22. Lol No i didnt. I am not diabetic at all and youd know if i were
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