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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. šŸ˜”
  2. Its out already? I heard so much crap the last two days Like theres a chik fil a song and he asked people working on the album not to fuck premarital
  3. lol u so silly
  4. Earlier last year i felt horrible and hated most of my pics and wanted a makeover sooo bad
  5. Wow...the protesters and supporters were mixed together lol
  6. LMAO OMGCLASSIC!~~!! Doom Metal:what is this "seasoning" you speak of, child? LMAO
  7. I have to work. Someone on the news facebook said that they only people that are going to be there at 230 are white people who get govt assistance and complain about brown people using up all their resources LOL
  8. Because I can no longer service the white man properly unfortantely due to the legal and moral opposition of our times, the least I can do is give the white man unfettered access to my most precious hoohah.
  9. We all know God has chosen the amazing white man to have all fortunes on Earth.Please accept my sincerest apologizes for being anything other than what makes you comfortable with your white privilege.
  10. Im sorry. Because I can't change anything about being a minority, I will try not to want the things you easily enjoy.
  11. Girl i dont even get shocked anymore. we are living in crazy world. just accept it. LOL
  12. I managed to save $600 this year without resorting to name brand crap. It took not ordering delivery, not going out of town, working two jobs, and actually eating my groceries instead of letting them rot in the fridge. Im not eating bullshit to save money. My 401k saves enuff and im gonna spend most of my life eating very well..thank ya berry much I bought expensive ass grass fed beef today. Was so proud of myself šŸ˜. Cant wait to make burgers with it...mmm Kicking myself for not buying two packages cuz its kinda small
  13. What the fuck is with people and off brand stuff? Naraku makes good money but i think he buys off brand stuff, too. U know they pretty much poison off brand food right?
  14. I have two jobs and work 7 days a week. I do ok. There was an article listing household items that if u buy them, you were considered rich Name brand zip lock bags Shit..forgot the other things...but it was all stuff i buy regularly Working as a merchandiser I see what gets bought the most and it made me realized im doing pretty well. Like for instance soap...the brand of soaps we purchase...oil of olay, dove and dial body wash...at kmart these brands hardly ever get touched...except the men brands...but the lady soap is hardly ever touched. But i have to redo the $1 lady soaps nearly everyday. So to me women dont buy those soaps at kmart cuz the price is too high or most women buy cheap $1 soap. $1 soap has never touched THIS ass for all 30 something years of my life lol I find people buy a lot of the $1 deodorants and shampoo stuff, too. I would never put $1 shit in my hair.
  15. fuggstop

    I'm evil

  16. Its funny hes coming here after his lynching statement, where lynching was very prominent and now where they are so many black people in power AND at a historically black college. I am personally hoping they eat him alive. The president of the school calls his visit "unpleasant " meanwhile our Black mayor is begging for money to fix damage from historical 2015 terrorizing flooding that fucked everything up and killed lots of people. I wish I could go but going to Halloween party šŸ˜­. I really want to see if any trumpers will attempt to see him in the black folx neck of the woods šŸ¤£
  17. Opinion: Unable To Prove Trump Didn't Abuse His Position As President, The White House Resorts To Use Of Time Tested Playground Insults. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER:"Trumps personal faves are "nanny nanny boo boo..." and "I'm rubber, you'e glue." Real life inspiration:
  18. She owns the shop she does hair in. She loves doing hair so much she has specials which is how I could afford to get my hair did lol. (Or she made the special up because she knew i couldn't afford the regular price lol thats how great she is.) She does ladies hair for free if/when they fall on hard times. She talks and talks...but today i realize she just loves talking to me. She had her hair dryer on the whole time I was there and it wasn't until my hair was almost done I realized she was using it to cancel out the noise of our convo so her workers couldn't over hear her telling me all her business. Shes really smart...both street smart and business savvy. Shes awesome. I can see us maybe hanging out one day even tho she works like crazy. She says shes going to text me what happens on her date with this sexy guy friday. I was telling her not to rush and fuck him but she said she REALLY wanted him bad and didnt think she could hold off. I was trying to tell her men dont like it when a woman is too easy but she had a hard time believing me Tl; dr my stylist is awesome. Wanna be her irl friend.
  19. Still No One Accused of Abuse or Molestation at the Church of Satan
  20. What? Stfu scoob
  21. Yah. Im one of those moms. Lol. But i dont get along with ANYONE on the planet like i get along with her. Whats sadder still is im not Madison's bestest friend. She's all in [plutonic, sickos] love with this little girl she goes to school with. The teachers got them together and I learned last year the teachers have been making it so the two of them are in the same classes every year. This little girl's mom is very weird...shes like me but even weirder...so i fully understand her..being that shes pretty much like younger me....but its so trying. I have to walk on eggshells and do everything not to invade her space but its hard...like the time Madison one weekend madison worked herself into a fit because she missed her friend and really wanted to see her (even tho she sees this little girl at school everyday) so Madison was wailing and crying for abt an hour so I had to call the lady and beg and apologize for calling but beg her to let Madison see her daughter cuz she wouldn't stop crying lol Its hard being a parent this day in age when no one trusts anybody. I think im growing on the mom and she's beginning to trust me more in her own way. She still doesn't want anything to do with me tho. Like when i was that age i remember my mom being friends with all my friends moms and hanging out with them... that will never be me and this little girl's mom and im ok with that... just as long as Madison can see her daughter regularly outside of school.
  22. I can hear in my head my mom telling me "put it in the basket"...so i guess we say it here too. Not as much as "buggy" tho.
  23. I am capable of killing but not someone as valuable as you. Sorry.
  24. *little known fact. Cutiequesidilla is taller than me. Imagine how hot she is in person!
  25. Man, lasty be smoking that GOOD SHIT
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