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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Google says "strong". Its not strong. Just weird.
  2. Nah you gonna have yer own rides: "Lavish homes and fancy carsEven got the drop FerrariFilled up our garage for you"
  3. My daughter is great in school but she hates every minute. She says she wants to join but i have major doubts if i can get her to do the extra work. We shall see!
  4. He can really do it too. Hes that hot.
  5. Alright Mr. Federline 🤣
  7. Deeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaeeeeedsddssssssss
  8. I just saw the paper for the 1st time an hour ago jeez.
  9. ? Um ok. Probably gonna put her in what they called GATE for kids when i was growing up. Gonna do the enrollment and find out more.
  10. Educational programs, tests and recognition as a gifted student is what the paper says. The principal gave it to them and told them not to tell other students cuz theyd feel bad lol
  11. Not doing that again! Only healthy stuff here on out!
  12. They want her to take PSATs!
  13. i wasnt thinking itd be on a regular basis.. like once a year send millions of tons at once....
  14. look motherfucker.. .money is subjective... just shoot the shit into space. we dont need it here. and its in space. who cares what happens to it or what it eventually will form lol
  15. isnt it infinite? it just makes sense
  16. but we are the slaves to greed. people think they deserve it all.. therefore others must go without
  17. at least i work unlike nasty fat entitled white men who sit on the computer all day doing nothing
  18. Was sweating like crazy at work. Was so happy!
  19. You probably have! Congrats! Are your clothes looser?
  20. Woowww But u sound like a tough cookie!
  21. I was on Judge Mathis. They flew me and my mom to Chicago. We stayed in a guilded gold hotel with free food and alcohol. We rode in limos. They did our hair and makeup. I lost my case but they gave me $200 in cash.
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