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Everything posted by MasqueradeOverture

  1. FOX just annihilated my eyes with a dead baby commercial THANK YOU FOX.
  2. I read this as pedo isekai and honestly I would've believed it
  3. This will be done in 4 games.
  4. The blame solely falls on the death of linear TV. With human progress, once beautiful things are naturally lost. It's the way of nature. Evolution. Darwinism.
  5. Grimace passed away last night. RIP Grimace
  6. I'm not too crazy about the decision to use Flash animation, but it's one of the better uses I've seen because it looks cool otherwise.
  7. Budget cuts & crunch time is affecting this industry hard. And then when it does look great, it either gets fan complaints (Chainsaw Man) or it goes unnoticed (Heavenly Delusion).
  8. It doesn't even have the production values of Space Dandy wtf are those blobby vehicle CG models
  9. Sincere question, how much input did Watanabe have on the final project? Because this looks cheap as fuck and un-Watanabe-like from the looks of that clip. Also, it's giving me Cyberpunk vibes and this looks inferior to Edgerunners in every way.
  10. It's like paying for / going to the hospital to get liposuction but they perform a circumcision instead.
  11. Both of NY's baseball teams are in playoffs. Both had their streams cut off to Hulu users because Disney's servers decided this was the time to commit seppuku. Who shall we punish/kill for this injustice? Discuss.
  12. So are they using Topaz AI for the upscale or something more sophisticated?
  13. What else you supposed to do when your main bitch is a hobbit?
  14. Dream Theater released a new single with Mike Portnoy back in the saddle and I haven't been this bored listening to something in quite a while. I say this as a DT fan. Wtf
  15. Applying Descartes' theory of being, how could she be sure the truck even existed? How can I be sure she exists? How the hell do I know any of you assholes really exist?
  16. This is legit fucking infuriating. Should've sensed it coming with the soundtrack being issued on a picture disc (for those who don't know, picture discs are notorious for having god awful sound quality). Perhaps it's fitting that a show about downward spirals goes into a downward spiral. It feels almost intentional, like high art masquerading as a piece of shit. Uzumaki is this generation's Freddie Got Fingered.
  17. Megalopolis - ???/10 I genuinely loved every second of this... but is it "good?"
  18. People would gladly sit through Rick & Morty before anything. As long as it's not Not-Rick & Morty.
  19. Hehe fuckin Minnesota. Another reason for ASTS to be worth $1600 a share by 2030.
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