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Everything posted by mumbo

  1. 10/10/2009 was my reg date for my first main account but it has literally been over five years since my last ban. i think
  2. it will be 10 years next year.
  3. yeah thats what i was wondering, actually i was wondering if and how i would find out about it too
  4. haha no not viper. ( ino i said that already) but my boards disagreements havent been directed at the whole entire board in like a decade. viper fights with the entire forum.
  5. thank you @Jingai its mumbo here, you know its me because of the time i had to shout out to you so i could figure out you were the same Ginguy/Jingai
  6. .....because, this post was sort of in addition to "last person to post dies." will there will be a last person to post here literally and at that point what happens to the old boards community?
  7. if youre calling off a lot, youre quitting soon in my mind
  8. well honestly, if i like the job situation, as little as possible. but if i dont have the interest and needs that it takes to want that job, then i actually call in sick days almost instantly if i dont feel good, more than i would at a job i really like by a longshot. at many jobs it becomes an issue if you are going to work through the hard times or quit, so i always hope it doesnt go down that road.
  9. do you picture a future community for the posters or?
  10. im exaggerating of course. i didnt even come near any other people i was shouting to myself on my usual bike route and some how decided i no longer cared who could hear me for like two minutes, but embarrassing nonetheless
  11. good because this was me a few hours ago
  12. in public, saying mean, angry and disturbing things, and identifying themselves to everyone around them, so they can personally tell you to fuck off.?
  13. re-made it? like if Mike Tyson's Punch-Out was on a repeating loop, (because the game only takes like 30 minutes to beat), on a PS4/Xbone 360 first person rampager, i mean you are 1st person killing levels full of enemies and shit, beating the living shit out of everyone thats every disrespected Tyson, from like the time he was born, just to prove hes a boxing bitch, and some how the 80's version is like the story map on this repeating loop and you can follow along on the 80's map at the same time you kicking everyone in the worlds ass until you get to Tyson, and then you have to get an eye tattoo
  14. i used to play that game with my eyes closed im not even joking
  15. **games with algorithms 8 year olds can memorize
  16. i yelled at supervisor at t-mobile once. told her to personally tell the guy that writes this guys paychecks to fuck off. i was really mean too.
  17. equal opportunity TKO
  18. whotube? no i realized that youtube was dead when i honestly couldnt find unwatched looney tunes and would have to shell out 2.99 for roger rabbit
  19. tell the poster above you if they should quit posting
  20. horribly, horribly soft
  21. i will alwyas be in your yard cow
  22. hell no.
  23. no. my dick is still limp for cold liquour-mouth
  24. fuck the fucking team, they let anyone in
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