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Everything posted by mumbo

  1. that really doesnt matter when you have a tiny penis
  2. broken_policy
  3. broken_dreams
  4. broken_vessel
  5. broken_clavicle
  6. broken_toaster
  7. are there any AS insiders that post here?
  8. ive seen archives of AS with me in them. hard to imagine why someone would have saved them or if the whole sites archives are possible to access, w/e dont know, dont care.. but i hope somehow you are right and that no archive exists, but then what are the archives ive seen?
  9. why is your pic giving me a pointer when i scroll over it? NOT CLICKING... lol
  10. hey, well good same to you
  11. 1 405907 403 70 29336 7337
  12. thats just an easy explanation to a really complicated thing and my alt isnt going to solve it
  13. no. people can do whatever they want but i needed to know if its intentionally offensive, or if its pornographic, or humor for some reason im not getting... do you know what i mean?
  14. oh so its not a secret hentai cult...??? ok just making sure i wasnt posting on a secret hentai cult's website
  15. shut up retard mumbo's bisexuality isnt interesting
  16. i was just wondering if youre still a poster here, you were talking about quitting. im slowly quitting
  17. for example, i jokingly answered a craiglist ad for and older woman late in life looking for a long term romance from somewhere in asia and I just sent a head shot and a real message about me, saying jokingly maybe if we both had what we wished, or if she or i was rich, or just wanted to be pen pals to contact me. now i think my picture is on a giant building in downtown Bangkok
  18. what? no comprende amigo
  19. and get really nervous and embarrassed? OMG if i post a selfie i feel like ive been exposed and i am in shock for months. even years later i regret posting selfies
  20. like sponges. nowadays sponges tells you exactly what hes thinking. a few other people do too. on AS some people didnt use personal perspective at all, spoke only in fact not opinion, and anonymously trolled (thats what babbling basically was) IB was a place that eliminated self esteem, that wanted to keep everyone that was ignored quiet, and had that way of just always making you feel unwelcome. now people like sponges, just say what they are thinking. I havent seen Kat in a while but now she is very forward and direct, same attitude but much more direct. others like starpanda and the exact same personality they were. some are different i guess is what im really saying though yes, what i am saying is that the trolls think they have a lot more power. i hate trolls.
  21. you know what? i think a few of us have a completely better grip on communicating what they mean to say, to be contrary to what i originally said
  22. well a graphic nonetheless. and for whatever reason it can be interpreted very strongly. i just want to make sure i understand.
  23. it just seems like 90% of the users are into hentai or related to anime or pop culture in some sense, and you have to wonder if you are posting in the right community
  24. and who developed a new personality on Luuvs boards? ummm nevermind i didnt mean to unleash a dramadragon
  25. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/live/ ill know someone watched it watching it it will be fun.
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