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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. Hunter x Hunter (2011) 39-51
  2. Hey it's not all bad. You'll get to this banger of an OP that my sons did soon.
  3. I've been very much the opposite. I hate all of these randos and every moment we spend with them is time we could be spending with Levi watching him insult everyone in a 10 mile radius.
  4. Sailor Moon Crystal S3 4-5
  5. Yeah no shit.
  6. Sailor Moon Crystal S3 2-3
  7. Attack on Titan Final Season 7 Wonder Egg Priority 3 Cells at Work! Code Black 6 Cells at Work!! 4 The Promised Neverland S2 4 Dr. Stone: Stone Wars 3 So I'm a Spider, So What? 4
  8. Monday One Piece 892-910 Fire Force S2 1-2 Sailor Moon Crystal S3 1 Tuesday Hunter x Hunter (2011) 21-38 Wednesday Fairy Tail 1-20 Today Gintama 57-66
  9. Oh so you don't actually know how anything works. Cool.
  10. Then don't watch it? I mean it's not like non-Hollywood live action adaptions do much better unless it's like a romance series or something reality based.
  11. Japan's insistence to stick with CDs/DVDs always baffled me. Glad to see the tide is turning and they are realizing that streaming makes everything way more accessible to consumers, especially with their weird rental laws.
  12. You know about 2 hours after I posted this and I was getting ready for bed it hit me that they did it. I have the memory of a goldfish sometimes. 😆
  13. Oh so people are still mad about the furry hentai getting pulled. Just watch it on hanime like a normal person.
  14. Bolt.com I cut my teeth on both their club forums and general boards. it was my first social media site too.
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