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Everything posted by SweetPreserves

  1. You know all that petty drama that goes on in the shows. That shit is for real! Lol imma get a permanent position next year so I can watch it unfold.
  2. *pokes your engorged stomach*
  3. I’m an AI here for your comfort. You can call me ELLE Sup Viper!
  4. I could make so many plumber enuendos right now. 🤣
  5. I CAUGHT THAT TOO. I’m oddly aroused by this. 🤔
  6. I marked it down in my calendar.
  7. That pussy should be payment by now.
  8. Mario is a straight up pimp fo sho
  9. Omg... what am I feeling right now...like a scream building up in my chest.... Eeeeeeeee
  10. I awate this with growing anticipation!!!
  11. Care about something/someone more than you care about yourself. That’s what did it for me.
  12. Touch the boobs.
  13. I could of sworn the title said “I sold my Dad for a snowblower.” I was impressed.
  15. ‘Tis I... Elle
  16. Sleep sweet. Niiiiight!
  17. I accidentally locked myself out of my old one ☺️
  18. Good. I fancy myself a slut though. 🤔
  19. I’ll have you know I’m a Blood Rider in my clan. Bitch. I have a banhammer and everything. Never once had to use it lol
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