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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. atm so you see, it happens all the time already
  2. meh, more like stomach pain, gas, and a sense of regret topped with self loathing.
  3. do me a favor and if they have some teddies n shit like that in your size, try em on and tell me how they fit. i think its weird but maybe i'm just weird....
  4. yeah the undies fit pretty standard for the different cuts. i wound up with 5 new pairs of those and i got a cool and super comfy black bra. the kind with those extra straps the cross down and between the tatas. its the "lingerie" one piece items that never seem to fit right. like they pinch in some weird areas or are too baggy in others... the cups always seem strange, idk.
  5. i just assume to leave that up to whomever would have to go through the pain of handing out those custom ranks cuz you want one sure, aaaaaaaand so does everybody else
  6. i like lingerie, i buy plenty enough lingerie... but it seems like that brand specifically is proportioned strangely. the bras and panties are fine... well, so long as the bra straps are adjustable. its all their teddies and one piece items that are awkward. is it just me or does their lingerie fit weird?
  7. you got addicted!
  8. And it was, wasn't it?
  9. Lol, stay outta the strip club then!
  10. Just not my thing. tho, if asada is all thats available... I will eat it >.>
  11. Very very smart. The tuxedo style cat is very inquisitive. For a while she was trying to figure out where the water was going when it went down the bathroom sink. She kept smelling the drain and then looking underneath the bowl, its a pedestal style. Now her obsession is door knobs and light switches. The lamp switches seem to frustrate her.
  12. I do too but they are still just 5 1/2 months old, I dunno what else they are gonna outsmart us on > The vet warned us that the breeds of these two are on the smarter end of house cats and that I should continue looking into training the maine coon especially.
  13. Thats a pretty good solution for meow. Hopefully they don't figure it out, they're too damn smart. One figured out how to turn on the bathroom faucet to get to the running water. Lol.
  14. i never thought about baby proofing things!
  15. they are already like dogs. hell, the one's breed will get big like one too v.v
  16. but i like not having bugs and rodents
  17. lol, while this is an appealing option, i can't even finish assembling a 3d printer with both the instructions and a video tutorial >.> i may just try a sensor trash or maybe one of those older style wood ones where the lid sets into the top.
  18. thought about it but there isn't much space for one under the sink and no one will agree to a smaller sized trash like that. the people here are just as difficult as the animals v.v
  19. keep getting into the kitchen garbage we switched from an open style can to a cheap flip lid style trash. they figure out that if they step on the pedal, the top opens, so one jumps up while the other stands on it. seriously, i watched them from around the corner. so we detached the lid and just put it on top. nope. they somehow figured out how to scoot the back away from the wall and knock it off from behind. the good news is that they seem to only really be interested in the raw bones or strangely enough, when there is beans in there.... so far thats it. how should i stop them from digging in the trash when no one is around to stop them? do you think they would figure out a trash that is motion sensor? or do i switch up what gets taken directly out to the street trash?
  20. get the wicked headaches yet?
  21. could have fooled me
  22. why you gotta play favorites like that?
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