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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. MEXobiologist


    sort of the industry in general. from how they are made, what fans are like, what the stars have to do, reality vs fiction, the effects the internet has had, all sorts of stuff... i guess not that i considered things differently, but that ii considered specific things at all. kinda like with anything else, from the outside, if you don't have insight to how things are/work... you sort of just don't think about what it is like or how it functions at all. this specific series is generally about sex, porn, dating, and the effects technology has had in those arenas. like the whole second episode i believe it was, was about the culture of dating apps/websites and not really about porn at all. it mostly centers around women and has a very strong intentional feminist point of view but not a negative one.
  2. its not that i just ate a lot of stinky cheese want some?
  3. there is no quatro
  4. hahahaha, how original yeah, when it comes to sex stuff and working in a service industry, people like to try to live out some really strange fantasies.
  5. lol, this is how my sister found out about her ex's infidelity and fraud last year that led to their split. she was the bread winner, he was to be continuing his financing education, taking care of all their expenses, and working a measly part time job. that was the deal. she so happened to be home for lunch when a water shut off notice got delivered. she looked into their account for the first time in years and found two years worth of outrageous expenses. he had quit school, faked working, and been spending her hard earned money on a whole other family. lol. shopping trips, groceries, appliances, expensive outings, hotels... the whole nine. and that is just the smallest bit of the beginning of what would come to light. it was wild and he realistically shouldn't have walked away with his knee caps and face intact... but you know, kids n all that....
  6. MEXobiologist


    you'll always be our star poof <3 side note: i started that netflix series Hot Girls Wanted or whatever its called. all the bits that had to do with porn made me think of you. or rather, think of some of the things you've talked about. i realized i was considering things differently than i would have before. it made for some really interesting conversation with my mother as we watched
  7. maybe the time together just affirmed some sort of dissatisfaction he had been burying for a long time. either way, we look forward to knowing if you find out when i was a bartender/waitress for a holiday inn i had to do room service... the job itself sucked but it was amazing the kinds of life situations you walk in to on a regular basis. like the hundreds of times you walk away going... "yep! theres definitely a gang bang type situation happening in there!"
  8. well thats good your big guys are pretty and all... but i have a distance rule with spidey. 1.) if you plan to share the same real estate as me, you best keep your squatting ass out of my line of vision. 2.) otherwise, arms reach my friend... SQUISH
  9. ::: <3 what a shit day i'm sorry fam
  10. we have the northern black widows but i have never seen one personally
  11. same. people only ever call me about plans... which is maybe once or twice a week. otherwise, txts are seldom as well. like one person txt me today, the last time before that was saturday. i can go multiple days without hearing anything from anyone if i don't initiate contact. still, i look. >
  12. There are so so so so many people who say the same thing regarding AC/DC. lol, my mother will even go so far as to leave a building to smoke a cig if one of their songs comes on.
  13. MEXobiologist


    awwwwww sadface is sad
  14. there has been a lot of nudity actually mostly porn but some nekkid user bits welcome back, did you bring cookies? i want cookies for breakfast >.>
  15. MEXobiologist


  16. MEXobiologist


  17. yeah suuuure, blame it on the dress smooth, real smooth kekekeke
  18. lol, can't dance? >
  19. in all seriousness, boo will likely end up the same. bet she is 40 before she sees even a little wrinkle but thank you, i'm rather fond of this trait and hope to drag out as youthful an appearance as possible, for as long as possible <3
  20. buckcherry - crazy bitch no bad memories... that sort of thing is still just nostalgic to me in a way. crazy bitch grinds my gears so hard that it makes me physically agitated to hear it.
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