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About 3ngag3

  • Birthday 07/24/1984

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  1. Toonami Rewind is seemingly not immune to the marathon curse as there will be a DBZ Kai Marathon on December 6th.
  2. Good for him. He's earned it.
  3. Would have liked to see both versions for posterity, but I think the original will do.
  4. Oh, right
  5. Also, whut?
  6. Ha haa! 40. Thank you all for the wishes. I'll taking a sabbatical for the next few days up into the Sierra's/Yosemite/San Francisco. Hopefully it will be cooler up there than this boiling pot hole I call home.
  7. I see people actually celebrating this because they don't want a Zionist as part of the cast...
  8. I don't know if anyone noticed, but there was a Robocop reference in Ami's little mini computer.
  9. Was this another banned/skipped episode? I don't remember ever seeing this during the DiC airings
  10. Toonami Rewind schedule update Double Sailor Moon starting on the 19th
  11. I think Jojo being on the block for so many years kinda desensitized us to such warnings...
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