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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. dude i will never ride that shit ever lol. I've never ridden the Bayern Kurve I'll ride the exterminator like 10 fucking times tho lol
  2. You ever ride black widow
  3. She'll be back to complain about her job super hard now.
  4. oh yeah immediately lol It'll be like a chiwawa trying to fuck a pitbull
  5. I swear to god he's called himself Martin Luther King twice. I'm 100% serious. He's delusional as all hell
  6. Oh yeah he's got some ass backward views. He's also a racist as well as a homophobe. I've seen a few of the interviews he's done.
  7. I was joking bro. If any women gets with him now its cause he has a little online clout. Why he would embrace this attention he's getting from a video he looks terrible in i have no idea.
  8. just.....why? Like I don't get it.
  9. It's obviously a joke. If they tried anything they would get mowed down in the blink of an eye
  10. oh no doubt. hes a celebrity now bro
  11. He is deranged af no doubt
  12. I agree. That dude was at least 6 foot. Tackling a dude that was way smaller than him proves nothing.
  13. thats the first one #treetoo
  14. I was sexing this hooker and when I took my peen out I went "YOU SEE THIS! THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK" I hate me more than you do trust me.
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