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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Haha just start driving now
  2. Keep in mind I'm just doing open mics in NYC lol
  3. Well tbh I don't expect ppl to come since most people here probably think I'm trash.
  4. I'm 26. Is that really a millenial?
  5. Cute af
  6. Lololololololololol Too bad I won't be here all day
  7. K bro
  8. That would be cool if it's possible!
  9. No pressure at all. Its a free show tho. And it'd be cool to meet someone from the boards
  10. Lol you ain't coming?
  11. The dude at funny Farm won't book me. Lol Akrons the closest I can get.
  12. Lol no and if I see that fucking bus one more time I'm deleting Facebook
  13. True. I didn't think about that
  14. I'm back in pissburgh on the 9th at club cafe
  15. Lol I try to get out to whatever cities I can. I'm actually going to NYC next month, but I'm just doing open mics and networking.
  16. If any of yall live close by you could come heckle me IRL. It's not a show, but it's a showcase and it was pretty good last time.
  17. These are great and I plan on doing all of them. I'll finally have a use for my mic lol
  18. I'm looking forward to this one the most
  19. Yeah man he passed away. This fucking sucks.
  20. Boondocks ain't gonna be the same RIP Mr. Bang bang bang
  21. I do a really good impersonation lol
  22. I'm coming thru
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