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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. NOVEMBER JUST STARTED! But seriously idgaf about Thanksgiving or Christmas honestly
  2. You didn't hijack it lol. What you said goes along with it. It's pretty valid
  3. thats fucking awful. I'm sorry. Fuck that must have hurt
  4. I could never do an open relationship. I'd rather be single and beat off
  5. thats fucked up. I couldn't imagine that. At least when i got cheated on I didnt know the dude. I couldn't imagine getting betrayed by a best friend and my partner.
  6. Like when temptation is staring them in the face?
  7. I'm very very very sorry that you went through all that Boo. that's some seriously rough shit You didn't deserve any of that
  8. Yeah like now when I'm with someone I fuck things up because I just can't bring myself to believe that there's no catch
  9. If you're referring to what I said to Rogue that wasn't about you. I was playin lol chill
  10. I guess you really can't trust anyone fully
  11. i'll let him give me top but i aint going on his ass
  12. So basically I insulted tf out of him unintentionally 🤣 I'm trash
  13. Didn't you go to cal? Jesus I'm awkward
  14. That's actually really sorry advice. Lol damn that cal education is worth it 😁
  15. On a lighter note: scarface looks like my cousin
  16. Her mom was decently hot. Her dad was too big for me tho
  17. Lmao I dig it. Those insane whores man. They're everywhere. Sometimes even here 👀
  18. Lol I never even saw the dude. She just talked about him a lot. But he sounded like a bitch. I actually have a dog so maybe I'm on the right track haha
  19. I've had serious issues ever since the first time I was cheated on (I've been cheated on twice). She was such a convincing liar and really good at covering her tracks. I did know something was up when she stopped having sex with me. But she always had a convincing excuse. It was crazy how good she was at lying. She was cheating on me with her ex. I had a sneaking suspicion that she never got over him and boy was I right. Basically anytime I wasn't around they were together. I thought I was just being paranoid then I found out from a mutual friend that she had been cheating on me and lying to me for months. I also found out they had been flirting via text basically the whole time we were together (close to a year). This whole situation fucked me up mainly because she fooled me so well. This was about five years ago and I still have serious trust issues. I even have trust issues outside of romantic pursuits. I always feel like I'm being lied to now. What do?
  20. I'm not not not not doing it for free
  21. For me it goes 1. Max Cavalera 2. Phil Anselmo 3. Dax Riggs
  22. That_One_Guy

    The Witcher 3

    Best game ever made imo
  23. i'll give you half of my pay for the show
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