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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Like at all. I quit giving a fuck about that stuff I just care about college football and other stupid shit
  2. Probably the best scary movie villian I've ever seen but he gets almost no credit
  3. Update: tried strokemon. Got hard but couldn't finish
  4. Next time I play ohio
  5. Aight bruh
  6. What? Lol
  7. What's wrong
  8. I'll take 12
  9. I'm fucking dead at that name 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  10. Wow that looks fucking abysmal But I'm still curious
  11. Then you can catch my fade in techmo bowl
  12. Why? Bad acting? Poor performance?
  13. Bet. Let's beat this bitch 😎
  14. Yo is this real?
  15. Nah I'm old school I like prosthetics
  16. All I want for Christmas is the vikings to lose by 50
  17. I would never cum on my phone. I'm an adult
  18. The dude just pulled his cock out. No decoration on it
  19. Twas good 😁
  20. Watched it last night bruh
  21. Need to spring for better quality paint
  22. They didn't paint the male actors penis green tho. Kinda disappointed
  23. It was actually pretty good and made me feel festive 😁 Decent acting and impressive makeup too
  24. The dragonball one was fucking HORRRRRRRRENDOUS tho. Like good fucking god
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