Do you have research that backs up the hiv claim? Not undermining you. I'm genuinely curious what the science is behind this. I mean if it's legit then I'm all FORE it
I'm a fucking idiot.
Like its purely a cosmetic genital mutilation from an outdated religious practice. And we give babies no choice. Like it's really fucked. Even if you're Jewish just why? Does God check your Johnson at the pearly gates? No foreskin or bacon allowed in Jewish heaven? Dafuq?
I have this cousin who has been up my ass to play Fortnite. I've never liked it. I feel like it's overrated. First and foremost I don't like shooters. I also don't like playing online. There's too many cheaters and try hards. I get sick of being called the n word. But all he does is play Fortnite. He plays that shit 12 hours a day. I tried it for 20 minutes and knew it wasn't for me lol. I like RPGs and platformers. I just don't see the allure of this game. It's pretty much COD and minecraft combined. Am I just an elitist hipster or are my grievances genuine?
Honestly I'm pretty sure he's trolling. A lot of people here absolutely flip shit when he posts so he continues to do it. I feel like if everyone ignored him, he'd either stop trolling or stop posting entirely. Isn't there an ignore feature on here
True it might just be an adjustment period. Lol in one of my FB groups someone said we should kick Tennessee out of the SEC and invite Appalachian state