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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. It wasn't boring thats for damn sure lmao
  2. There was nothing funny about it lol that little mother fucker almost got killed. The comic is 6'3" and he was full of rage. I could barely hold him back
  3. Lol facts. I don't like this scene tbh. That's why I go to other cities
  4. I wont ruin your fantasy bro
  5. No not never. There's nothing funny about that shit lol
  6. Long story but heres the cliffs -Black comic is on stage performing -Short stubby white dude starts heckling -Black comic fires back at him -Stubby munchkin starts ranting incoherently, he's then asked to leave -Munchkin starts to leave while erupting in a violent tantrum -Munchkin screams the N word at the black comic -Black comic charges at the munchkin like the fucking bionic man -I managed to hold black comic back saving him from killing this stubby mother fucker and keeping him out of jail If anyone says I should have let this dude get his ass beat I kind of agree, but if you were there you would have known he definitely wasn't worth it. I'm pretty sure he was on drugs too Lol that's the second open mic fight I've prevented this year! TOP FLIGHT SECURITY OF PITTSBURGH COMEDY!
  7. I sincerely hope you stay cancer free for-fucking-ever
  8. that does reduce the chance of breast cancer im pretty sure
  9. Lol damn you might be worse than me
  10. I'm glad I'm at least not alone. People think I'm overly paranoid. Maybe I am, but I don't think my fear is entirely unfounded. You always hear these fucked up anecdotes like "Oh my stomach hurt for a few days and it turned out to be leukemia" It's like WTF
  11. I have this weird hang up with cancer. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac so the concept of a disease that can affect literally anyone, spread to their brain and kill them within months just makes me paranoid. On top of that I watched someone I love die of it very slowly, and it was ever so traumatic. It makes me super paranoid. I can't even watch TV shows with cancer in them. I don't even like it being brought up in conversation. If I ever got it I'd blow my brains out because it terrifies me. I'll just get a tremendous amount of hookers and cocaine, find a high cliff and jump off tl;dr? Ignore this thread.
  12. You know its true
  13. Lol I don't know her IG but she is fr
  14. YOu dont fuck with clout curlzz?!?!?!?!
  15. My buddy made this. You should follow him. He's hilarious!
  16. That's why you did it! I feel like I'm meeting you for the first time lol
  17. I remember you used to respond to everything with awesome. At least i think you did.
  18. This times a fucking million lol
  19. I think it really goes back to the days of ib. In case Kat didn't tell you, ib was a sub forum on the old Adult Swim message boards which is where most of us are from. On ib it was against the rules to use your pic as your avatar at least for the time I was there. It might have changed. I think it's a case of old habits dying hard. Personally, I treat this place as somewhere to goof off and blog so I don't care to use my real face.
  20. Quick look at the standings
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