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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. But I still watched it on the [as] website. Because I'm fucking crazy like that.
  2. Hmm, true. True and likely. Still, it's fun to meme on the guy, especially after his meltdown earned him this forum's first high-profile permaban (that I'm aware of).
  3. t. Moose after they remove One Piece from the block again.
  4. Last ditch effort to nab ratings from the few of us who haven't cut cords yet? I dunno, I've stopped caring about why [as] does anything at this point.
  5. Doooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiit.
  6. For me, it was around 2022 when I stopped watching the block live or even recorded. (DVR issues can do that.) Watching the episodes through the [as] website (plus cable provider login) was just more convenient for me personally. Also, the Return was a huge letdown.
  7. The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 3 Delicious in Dungeon 11
  8. In memory of Toonami Rewind, here's one last twofer schedule, to make up for my lack of providing one last week. 12:00 - Uzumaki (Dubbed) #1 - Episode 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Uzumaki (Dubbed) #2 - Episode 2 - TV-MAV 1:10 - Uzumaki (Dubbed) #3 - Episode 3 - TV-MAV 1:50 - Uzumaki (Dubbed) #4 - Episode 4 - TV-MAV 2:30 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #39 - Piccolo Reborn! Frieza's Second Transformation! - TV-PGLV 3:00 - Rick & Morty: The Anime (Dubbed) #8 - Feel, Don't Think - TV-14DLV But then again, it was just Uzumaki reruns... And do we really need those past episode 1? 12:00 - Mashle: Magic and Muscles #7 - Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master - TV-14LV 12:30 - Invincible Fight Girl #1 - I Am - TV-PGV 1:00 - Blue Exorcist #8 - Now a Certain Man Was Sick... - TV-14LV 1:30 - One Piece #699 - A Noble Family! The True Identity of Doflamingo! - TV-PGLV 2:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #40 - Frieza's Final Transformation! The Ultimate Nightmare Begins! - TV-PGLV 2:30 - Naruto #1 - Enter: Naruto Uzumaki - TV-14V 3:00 - Rick & Morty: The Anime (Dubbed) #9 - Her Innermost Wish - TV-14LV
  9. Sakamoto Days 1 I'm Living With an Otaku NEET Kunoichi!? 3-4
  10. For those of you who haven't jumped ship to Netflix on this one, here's basically what happened last time: ' Impressive, yes, but will he be able to literally strongarm his way out?
  11. Futari wa Pretty Cure 31
  12. FUN FACT: I actually watched the finale of Swordsmith Village through Netflix last Friday, as the [as] website removed all the episodes before I could finish it through there. So if it ends up most popular of 2025, feel free to partially blame me, the resident "Toonami Jail or bust" guy, for that.
  13. I heard the news via the associated r/animedubs thread, and apparently it's news to me that Mercer doesn't do that many anime dubs nowadays?
  14. Hareluya II BOY 25 The show may look too chintzy to give a true 10/10, but this finale had all the hype of one regardless. Thank you, Sentai, for doing what the fansubbers couldn't and bring this hidden gem to the general English-speaking public. Would gladly watch again.
  15. I'm Living with an Otaku NEET Kunoichi!? 1-2
  16. Because when it comes down to it, at least it's not Annoying Mashle.
  17. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Swordsmith Village Arc 11
  18. Well, another year of watchin' anime and the odd J-drama/-adjacent peak TV, shot to hell. And here it is! 562 total. Mission accomplished.
  19. Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs 12
  20. You can find my personal power rankings right here.
  21. Like I said, they stopped reading at "Share-Space".
  22. Plus-Sized Elf 14
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