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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. We got this one: . Hopefully that's fitting enough for the grimace you're thinking of.
  2. Ah, so that's why F/SN 2006 was showing up in my DirecTV search results! Ramshackle or not, AXS TV's schedule says UBW #1, so that's what I'm ultimately trusting.
  3. Just came back from setting up my recording for UBW #1 (the real one this time), and it looks like the Saturday night at midnight encore has been moved to Friday nights at 12:30. Guess they bit off more than they could chew, trying to directly compete with Toonami.
  4. Mr. William Poker. (You were close, though.) Coming up on a year since my last update, I have to say discussing what I rated with others has really lost its zest, between the site blocking all my file uploads and the increasing amounts of shows I find myself beholden to discuss, especially as a post every week becomes one every month or three. Even my plans for a new thread with centralized discussions on an entire show's content in one go have fallen by the wayside, simply because I don't have the time to type all of it up and when I do have the time I've long since de-prioritized it over other things. And sure, I can make up for lost time by dedicating a post to various moments of objectionable content over the past year I've found interesting, or new practices I've started implementing when it comes to applying ratings to things... ...but compared to the "golden age" of this practice, it just wouldn't be the same. I still plan on making the new thread, but the throughline for which I'll be sharing my usual findings remains to be determined. For right now, the content rating clips that still see regular posting to my X-Twitter account, divorced from much of the rest of the hellsite landscape the platform has transformed into, will have to suffice. To think, embeds of them would be allowed on half of Reddit, if only Bluesky extended their video runtime limits past a measly sixty seconds per!
  5. Blue Exorcist 14 Patapata Hikousen no Bouken 18
  6. Trillion Game 19 I'm Living With an Otaku NEET Kunoichi!? 15-16
  7. On the bright side, at least it isn't Geass and Moribito premieres at 5AM. 12:00 - FLCL Grunge #1 - Shinpachi - TV-14LSV 12:30 - Blue Exorcist #14 - A Fun Camping Trip - TV-14DLSV 1:00 - Blue Exorcist #15 - Act of Kindness - TV-14LV 1:30 - One Piece #705 - The Moment of Resolution! Corazon's Farewell Smile! - TV-14V 2:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #46 - The Final Trump Card! Goku's Ultimate Spirit Bomb! - TV-PGLV 2:30 - Naruto #7 - The Assassin of the Mist! - TV-14 3:00 - Sailor Moon #5 - Scent of a Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love - TV-PGLV
  9. NFT or no NFT, an anime I haven't seen airing on an American television network I have secondhand access to at least is that. So yeah, it won't be 'til this experiment goes belly-up that I watch UBW elsewhere.
  10. Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You 3rd Season 3
  11. Alrighty, finally got around to packing away the first UBW episode off the recording from my parents' DVR (which I am able to access online from the comfort of my own apartment). While a clear verdict won't be given 'til the week after next, I can safely share, based off of just the one episode by itself, that I am digging this, despite the hints at Shakugan no Shana levels of senseless loss of innocent bystander life, and will continue watching from here on. Probably gonna skip the My Hero also-rans, though, since there'll be little to differentiate it from the [as] broadcast and my grudge against Horikoshi for what he did to Midnight and a bunch of his other sexy lady characters is still lingering. My personalized content rating for "Prologue" is TV-PGLV, on account of a single (uncensored!) use of "goddamn" from Rin, all the clashes between Archer and Lancer (and the former's few with Saber at the end) being bloodless, and the bloodiest moment outright being the aftermath of Shiro getting mortally wounded offscreen. Blatch's TV-14 sans descriptors is an equally acceptable rating given the above, but between my having no metric for AXS's arbitrary rating selections, the closest thing I have to a third-party metric being what I can remember of Ani-Mondays' ratings, and my own metrics coming first and foremost when it comes to personalizeds, I feel my rating works best for me personally. That's all there is to it.
  12. Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 0 At long last, I finally know what it's like to be GAR for Archer.
  13. Toonami may be in a rough spot right now, but as long as progamming doesn't pull any bullshit moves like [as] did back in the latter half of '08 when they shunted Geass and Moribito premieres off to the graveyard slot, I'd say there's hope for improvement no matter how dire things look otherwise. AXS TV's block, meanwhile, is simply there, and I'm content with that, too.
  14. This plus Blue Exorcist 13
  15. I'm Living With an Otaku NEET Kunoichi!? 13-14
  16. I'm now 100% convinced that the real reason Demarco quit social media altogether was so that he could easily avoid explaining any of this shit.
  17. Blue Exorcist 12 Mashle: Magic and Muscles 12 You better fucking get us season 2, Demarco.
  18. Futari wa Pretty Cure 33-34
  19. As a Ray Chase enjoyer, it's a good time to be eatin' on the block right now. Shame that streak's ending soon. 12:00 - Mashle: Magic and Muscles #12 - Mash Burnedead and the Magic Mirror - TV-14LV 12:30 - Invincible Fight Girl #6 - Behind the Wall: The Finger & the Toe - TV-PGV 1:00 - Blue Exorcist #13 - Proof - TV-14LV 1:30 - One Piece #704 - The Time is Ticking Down! Seize the Op-Op Fruit! - TV-14LV 2:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #45 - Kaio-Ken Times Twenty! An All-or-Nothing Kamehame-ha! - TV-PGLV 2:30 - Naruto #6 - A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves - TV-14V 3:00 - Sailor Moon #4 - Learn How to Be Skinny From Usagi - TV-PGV
  20. The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 7 Delicious in Dungeon 15
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