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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. Christ people. I did Inktober da f** you want from me! http://jm-matthews.deviantart.com
  3. I actually really like this one....
  4. Wait, WHAT??? J/k Here ya go..
  5. Just because Crunchroll got hacked doesn't mean it's a whole coo. In 2002, MAYBE.
  6. That funi dub is so shitty! But if it's on Toonami i'd watch it, like I did fur a while.
  7. You can post URLs you know....
  8. PLEASE DON'T download their .exe files people. It's a spyware hijacking attempt.
  9. Thanks for spreading awareness of this. At least some will know now.
  10. https://i.gyazo.com/1885ca35c5432b6ceb7a5a7852992b74.jpg
  11. H2O, Mermaid Adventures. For something German it's actually not bad. Soft, but not bad.
  12. Yes he was. :greenbottle: :*
  13. Oh God, Boruto isn't even Naruto's son. He's like his step-nephew or something. Gad.
  15. ....
  16. RAYNART is a French-Japanese BD-manga artist https://raynart-tradnor.deviantart.com/ ...who publishes in both France and Japan through Lulu, and a colleague of mine. He is quite skilled. Anyone want to discuss? Who are your favorite Bandes Dessinee creators, writers, and artists?
  17. Who wants to discuss THIS?? This is that comic he used to talk about writing "And have someone else draw it". Member??
  18. Zenigundam looks like Chris Chan
  19. Eh I dunno, gross things freak me out quite a bit, gross CAN be scary.
  20. *Watches you* Also, I will watch and/or fave anyone with the gusto to speak up in this thread, too...
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