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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. CabooseJr does a good job with Toonami. By now it's kind of his job.
  2. Well, this isn't just for you. These Tutorials are for everyone here....That way everyone can get in on the action.
  3. Seems pretty easy to me. At least TRY. quit sellin' yourself short.
  4. LOOK I'll TEACH YOU. It's easy! Listen up. Just click on the URL in the google search bar at the top of the youtube page RIght click the URL code (the video identifyer) Click "Copy" Go to post Right-click your post Click "paste", then save. TA DA. congrats, you posted a live stream! You can at least do that, can't ya?
  5. AnimeTV started off good, but due to lack of strategy and synergy between web reviewers and the ANIMETV Crew, things quickly fell apart, even on a 200K budget Good while it lasted. Everyone just kind of forgot about us at the time, and I received fewer and fewer emails from them as things on the show got more convoluted. It started off nice enough. I had to take a quiz for the part, and they started off open to my feedback. Anime is the only real TV show I've ever worked on that got airtime, other than Adult Swim of course.
  6. you can make suggestions to me of which anime i should check out. I'll write them here: https://jm-anime-reviews.blogspot.com/
  7. GoanimeTV is dead as a doornail. It was way back in 2011, but i know people like reviews. WE'RE SORRY ABOUT THAT! http://goanimetv.com/ Roy and Johnny are kinda dicks. Everyone ON that shot was essentially being dickish to me, so I quit. SUB-MIT SUGGESTIONS for anime titles for me to review elsewhere!!!!
  8. Oh man. People really want anime reviews, don't they.
  9. Not that bad. It only lasted a day. The ANN hack lasted WEEKS.
  10. lol. Yeah, you gotta help out the fangirls!
  11. Oh man. This "roadtrip" does NOT Bode well. Least Jojo has his biggest lil' fangirl with him for good luck
  12. Yeah, people do say it kinda sucks. I'll still watch it every Saturday though, and it ain't going off air anytime soon. Just sayin. Fuck won't cancel Super.
  13. All right! Reading material! Thanks!
  14. That totally describes IT! The OTHER IT. Sheeeee's IT!
  15. Steeephen Kiiiing's....IT.
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