Well I'll say if the pro novelists are doing it NaNoWriMo has some credibility apparently. I don't know a who lot about what I'm supposed to do for Novel Writing Month. Could you tell me what I need to do to participate? Explain it to me. I'm more sold on NANOWRIMO
anyone. Mine are Thomas Romain, Herge, Peyo, Raynart, Allesandro Barbucci, Barbara Canepa, Bilal, Moebius, Francois Schuiten, Michael Moorcock, Frank Miller, Todd McFarlane, J.M. Matthews, and Juanjo Guarnido. among others
Yes, I watched that. It's how i discovered H2O Mermaid Adventures for the first time. Good show. I was surprised how wrong PhantomStrider was this time...Yeah? Their barbies. So what. So is Code Lyoko, and that's a GREAT show!
I ripped off Ghost in the Shell so much in my scripts: Sci-fantasy concept, cop-show premise, blackcoats, Cityscapes, Detailing, Drama, Action, Secret agents and spies.
I see it's influence on my creative work more clearly now. Even though it was a phase. Not that anyone noticed at the time. Everyone claimed I was ripping of Ichigo, who I hate.