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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. That's how it is for everyone. It hard to focus when you have personal demons bothering you.
  2. No. Don't you EVER THINK That. DON'T think you're worthless. I value what you say to me. You just need to seek out a more supportive environment. Don't think you're "worthless" just because people treat you that way. That's beneath you. We all have worth. Sometimes you need ego you need arrogance. I think you have low self-esteem. If you think you're worthless, my diagnosis is you have low self-esteem and don't have respect for yourself. But you have to ask yourself "Why do I feel like I'm worthless". because you're NOT worthless.
  3. Yeah, your mom at least sounds kind of verbally abusive, Just proceed with caution Be careful around your mom if she treats you like that. It took me at least 30 years to realize my dad was abusive. And don't react to her with violence or reciprocal abuse. Just observe your mom and be careful in your interactions with her. Don't let your abusers put all the focus on you. That's mistake number one of dealing with narcissists. Family doesn't work if it's not supportive.
  4. It's about as helpful as school and work.
  5. Yeah, Watch that film Sicko by Michael Moore, it explains health care and psychiatric perfectly, and how it's not really a helpful system. The only thing in health care that benefited me was social security money. All Healthcare talk is bullshit.
  6. Is anyone in your family abusive? Friends? Authority figure? Neighbors? It sounds like you're dealing with some abuse from someone close to you
  7. They're ALL like that, believe me.
  8. How is your self identity? How do you feel about your own identity? Do you see yourself a certain way? Do you know who you are and have a mission or do you feel confused and worried. I find a lot of psychiatric problems seem to be tied to our identity in some ways.
  9. Do you have any hobbies, like writing or drawing? Those can be form of therapy: Keeping yourself busy. Cutting is not a good coping mechanism. You need to replace it with some safe and healthy habits, don't hurt yourself.
  10. No just the people in your direct life. Don't give up hope. I grew up a similar way. Just like there's someone to date for everyone, there's someone who WILL believe in you out there.
  11. That's the therapy game, your shrink drones on about drugs and disorders and never asks how your day was. That's how they're trained in school, to not give a f*ck. In case you're wondering, all shrinks are like this. It's a waste of time.
  12. Watching Inuyasha Ep. 1 again on Samsung SmartTV Netflix app. Relaxing while my new bookshelves are being installed.
  13. Aaand. that pretty much wraps My Hero Academia Ep. 24
  14. I take my second 5 Hour energy caffeine shot at 6:30 P.M. tonight. My discipline and energy to not get distracted, cop out, quit, slack off, or get tired and fatigued, seems to be holding out for the moment
  15. My Hero Academia Ep. 24 S.2
  16. Answering Questions From Fans. over at Anime Nation. ----- Waiting to get my new bookshelves put up by a contracting friend of my parents and me.
  17. Recently I finished writing and publishing my latest book: Words, Volume 1 which I published through Lulu about 2 to 3 days ago
  18. Okay, it's Friday in February 20s, Trump's settled down. That's good. He was going into troll mode this morning. Edited some Claymore, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Bruce TImm and Type Moon images to my forum. As for my website, Animation Magazine Editor-In-Cheif Ramin Zahed approves! He really liked my website. Resuming watching My Hero Academia. In the 20s of episodes now. I'm not giving up on this title anytime soon....I love it! What a fun simple show! Still got to get a hold of Pierre over in France and talk about our bandes dessinee series we're developing. DeviantArt App Upload isn't working. I guess Dev uploads are out of the question.
  19. I want them to put it on Netflix. Gotham Minority Report X-Files Sarah Conner Chronicles All Amazing Shows, I hope all are on Netflix at some point so I don't have to schedule in time
  20. I keep forgetting to watch it. When is it on so i can?? Day, TIme?
  21. I'm watching the Trump Speech while the Special Counsel Investigation Indictments, it's sickening! All Trump is trying to do is distract people from his scandal. He failed. And he'll continue to fail. This is an infamous moment for Republicans. Let alone Democrats. Snakes indeed.
  22. Okay, I'm moving this thread to the Arts and Section....
  23. Was watching THIS. Took me back to 2000 / 2016. Pretty much every Republican Dominated Election to a Tee.
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