Man, I haven't read this much and this fast while high on 5-Hour Energy drinks since 1 times in my life.
1) Art school and being high on Redbulls with ephedra
2) When I was 13 and "had to" take ADD meds for my ADD with Methamphetamine chemicals in them.
I LOVE reading in "balls to the wall" performance enhancer mode!!!
I'm high as SHIT! How else would I read 70 comics pages in 2 hours.
One-Punch Man, Vol. 7 (completed)
The ending of Vol 7 matches up with the conclusion of Season 1 Episode 12 (the latest episode BTW)
I finished more than 2/3rds of volume 7 in the last few hours. Must be those 5-Hour Energy Drinks (aka DRUGS) I'm on that let me get this far in my reading and focus this much. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ and Bible, for the wonderful performance-enhancing drugs!...Still got an hour left until Toonami starts. Back to work.
Maybe, there's still SOME nice people here...I don't live with any of them, but my second best friend lives out by Lake Nona. I call him on my smartphone all the time.
No back in the 90s, back in the day, the shit was awesome. I preferred role playing gamees like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III, but Mario was cool too.
Dragon Ball Z, Biz BIg Volume 1, Chapter 2. Finished Ch. 2 earlier today,
I'm picking up steam again. Huzzah!
My reading viewing rule of thumb BTW: Always start from the first chapter/episode and the beginning.
You mean Techwood Drive? Am I in the ballpark?
I remember when I wrote them fanmail and stuff back in the day, that was the main street their office is on, where people submit their show ideas to....
if you want to do business with someone or a show or whatever, it helps to know where they work and live.
I think I'd say it's kind of like Orlando Tampa,and Miami, the big Florida cities, but blacker. FL and GA hey are neighoboring states after all, so it's natural there's some spill over in the road Dept..
If you think FLORIDA's black, try Georgia.
ATL is the new Motown. Well that and a place where anime TV co-productions get paid for (Williams Street, Toonami, CN)
Nyanko Chan learned her skills there. Pooooop.