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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. I spent the entire day decorating my Pinterest Site, What fun it has been!: Ch-Check it Out! Pinterest BD Auteur Gallery Website.... Pinterest is one of the better emerging social media sites.
  2. Finished My Hero 23 last night. Spent most of today editing this Pinterest forum: BD Artists
  3. Still watching My Hero 23. Took me longer than expected. I was working on a presentation I might give a speech for some day.
  4. Feel free to add comments or thoughts on what I'm into previously or at the moment. FInished: Latest Megatokyo Entry, February 21st, 2018 Next up: My Hero Academia: Episode 23, S2
  5. This is my Video, TV, Good and Bad Cable, Music, Website, YouTUbe, Comics, Anime, Manga, Comics, Books, and Webcomics Activity Thread. I post in your guys' logging threads a lot, so I figured I'd make one big thread where I post what I'm currently digging on. That way I don't have to run around posting in different threads and tracking all the data logging threads down.
  6. February 21st, 2018 Megatokyo ...ooh la la. Sex scene!
  7. I mostly just read comicfury.com. So I'm going to mention the ones I'm reading there in numerous posts, with linked text. Let's have some fun!
  8. Yeah, the boondocks kind of fizzeled out. The last season kind of sucked compared to the first three. Seasons 1 and 2 were strongest, but Part 3 wasn't super bad.
  9. Holy shit that sounds easy. I've dealt with dissatisfied customers at a Florida supermarket before. Man were some of them pissed. Do whatever I want on the front lobby computer, you say? Sweet! Well, I'm sure there's work to be done, but I know what you mean. Freetime on the job. I've always been used to having numerous managers breathing down my neck. Standing across the room from me, watching my every move like a hawk. It sucked.
  10. No. But I helped YouTube with their systems work when they were just starting off. Unpaid. From home.
  11. I don't really drive a lot...
  12. What's mturk? I don't know what that is....?
  13. Yep. That job sounds so much better for me than grocery bagger. So far I love the prospect of it. I spend almost every day at a desk for 8-10 hours writing in my word processor at home in my bedroom, a front lobby wouldn't be that much of a stretch, and my people skills in small and big social settings are pretty good. Who knows, that could be the perfect job for me! I'm already researching the job position responsibilities. Are there a lot of customer complaints?
  14. Well, my real specialty and life experience is word processing and data entry, but I'm sure i can learn those too.
  15. When I do finally get another, newer job, I'll be a devoted employee. I'll be all like...Krusty Krab here i come......!
  16. I know I sound confident, but I like working. At this point I'm just desperate to get hired at someplace. Career mtters a lot to me. I can have all the silicon valley slave unpaid remote careers in the world, but if I'm not doing normal work, and I'm not making any money, (which I did for over a decade) it can actually feel kind of demeaning to me if no one's paying me for it. So yes, I'm on the hunt. Suit up. Again.
  17. That's a distinction we need to make. What is difficult, and what is impossible. Finding a job, while difficult, is not impossible. Just difficult. I found a job once before, I'm sure I could do it again somewhere. I just haven't really looked or applied much.
  18. I think Desk Clerk sounds the most promising, if not at a hotel, anywhere really.
  19. I used to bag groceries and work at a supermarket for 6-8 hours a day in 2001. Hotel? You mean as in Hotel Desk Clerk? And what is a "staffing agency" and how do I find and contact one? That sounds useful.
  20. I can do technical work...! I use word processors for fun all the time. That's at least 1 job skill...
  21. .....I'm crawling up the Walls, I'm going fucking insane without an official job. I haven't had a job in 16 years, I'm 34, and it's driving me fucking insane. This isn't natural. I feel like a freaking housewife. This is torture. I'm a published writer and artist, but we all know how much THAT pays. It's an amusing side hobby that will probably never pay money. Big Pepe needs money. Because he has none. Don't believe the hype. I need money aka A job, i.e. dayjob. They say don't give up your day job. I did a long time ago. All I know is if you're trying to find a career, 90% of the time if you're trying to get a technical job, be it an architect or spec software designer, someone will say "You need math for that", when that line is bogus. I've done jobs for fun that people say take math. I never used any math! You don't need math!
  22. I can't figure out what you're talking about. I don't feel that way, like, ever. Do you??
  23. That's fine. I like to show people here what I'm watching, not insult you. I realize the sarcastic comment I wrote about you was misconstrued as a meanspirited insult by you. And because of that miscommunication, I apologize. I realize how much that one comment hurt your feelings. I didn't think you'd be reading it, but now that you did I won't be writing any more comments like that about you. If I would have known my sarcasm would offend you that much I wouldn't have written it, as despite what a monster you probably think i am by now, I try to be sensitive to other people's feelings most of the time. I don't like when people hurt my feelings, and I'm not trying to hurt your feelings.
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