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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by panic

  1. They said I was black. Then they said I wasn't.
  2. panic


    His mom won't let him because this board is 13+.
  3. panic


  4. I will if you build a time machine and let me win all the games yesterday.
  5. We'll let you win tomorrow night.
  6. Why not Horse Penis?
  7. If ramo and pat were blankets, which would be wetter?
  8. black guys old people women who look like my sister more than 8 midgets mason jars
  9. Should I retire to Asia like I planned, to Mexico like my dad suggested, or forever alone in America because I'm too much like my father like my mom suggested?
  10. Travel to Haiti, marry a mambo, apply for a visa, wait 6-9 months, bring her with you next time, take all the laxatives, wait some more, shit yourself to death, have her conjure your spirit so it poops forever.
  11. Jump off the roof onto a roll of paper towels. See how much spill it absorbs.
  12. Aspen bars were the best thing ever. We always had Twigs at family gatherings when I was a kid. And just like my family, they're not around anymore.
  13. The dishes.
  14. This man: "My fingers are long and beautiful, as - it has been documented - are various other parts of my body." This man: "I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies." He's a keeper.
  15. I decided to get one. Tastes of greasy Cheez-Its with a hint of vomit.
  16. Jackbox tonight.
  17. Ugh. I forgot to bench AB.
  18. All games aside from Smash are through Steam.
  19. lol Guess he changed it back to AB from NOT THAT AB.
  20. Jackbox typically every Friday night in Discord around midnight EST. Plus other multiplayer games on various nights. Come play with us: https://discord.gg/7DRAupT Leave a reply with any additional game suggestions. 100% Orange Juice Among Us Dead by Daylight Fall Guys Garfield Kart Golf With Your Friends Half Dead 2 Jackbox (no purchase necessary) Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (no purchase necessary) Left 4 Dead 2 Project Winter Pummel Party Rocket League Smash Stardew Valley Tabletop Simulator Terraria Use Your Words (no purchase necessary) Wreckfest Strategy games: Civilization VI Scythe Stellaris Terraforming Mars Remote play games: The Game of Life Horizon Chase Turbo Road Redemption Shift Happens Team Sonic Racing
  21. panic


  22. Antonio Brown released by Patriots.
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