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Everything posted by Daos

  1. The author couldn't help himself. He didn't want to leave it on an uplifting note.
  2. Honestly, I knew he had lost his mojo when he came up with the magic wizard king that erased everyone's memory. Throwing all the time travel stuff in there was just kitchen sinking it.
  3. Wanna know why? Warner Bros. Discovery is currently facing financial challenges and could undergo major changes soon, with a 60% chance of bankruptcy, according to reports. To the surprise of all, industry insider Jeff Snieder plays down the reports of bankruptcy.
  4. Not to mention all the intricate rules and backstories for the village and all the villagers. Only to have it all be wiped out at the end. The villagers don't even seem to care that they're about to die, so why should we? If you tried to explain season 2 to someone they'd think you were having a stroke.
  5. Yeah I mean... I felt like it really dragged. And it was just depressing body horror type stuff dragged out for an entire season. Then everyone dies I guess? Meh!
  6. I'll come out and say it. I didn't like S2 that much.
  7. Rotten Tomatoes is a scam now as well, anything goes baby! This was just a couple of months ago. https://www.ign.com/articles/rotten-tomatoes-under-fire-after-pr-firms-scheme-to-pay-critics-for-positive-reviews-uncovered
  8. Demarco can only handle fawning adoration. He's a very delicate little fella.
  9. Truly they were.... an Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
  10. Speaking of MK crossovers... ever wanted to have Omni Man fight Sub Zero? Well........
  11. Mortal Kombat has always been involved in weird ass crossovers.
  12. "Dragon Ball Daima, to fill anime fans in, won't be a replacement for Dragon Ball Super, as the spin-off series will take place in a time period following the defeat of Kid Buu and the beginning of Dragon Ball Super. This most likely means that transformations such as Super Saiyan Blue, Ultra Instinct, and Ultra Ego won't be making appearances, especially since the Saiyans who could access these forms are now children. From the first trailer that dropped earlier this week, none of the characters were shown accessing any Super Saiyan abilities, though it had yet to be confirmed whether or not the de-aging process has also cut down the Z-Fighters' overall power levels."
  13. That last movie really makes me think they've lost their mojo for this show.
  14. Remember how the Avengers was a huge success and then Disney decided they wouldn't make any more Marvel movies? See? It's just like that.
  15. Demarco be like This was a Triumph. I'm making a note here, huge success.
  16. You guys need to shut up it was a smash ratings hit just like Fena Pirate Princess.
  17. Longshot theory. It's Kari disguising her voice so it doesn't ruin the big reveal in the 3rd episode.
  18. No wonder they call her Railgun.
  19. Wahhh I'm unhappy I need to have 3 ways with underage teens wahhhhh!
  20. It has a couple of big things goin for it
  21. But will it be as good as...
  22. When he says "A rake situation" He nailed it 100 percent. Tone and cadence perfectly match. In other spots you can tell it's a different guy. Still good though.
  23. I mean I get it, but there's a fine line between being a hype man and just sounding like a nut that's out of touch with reality. He has crossed that line.
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