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Everything posted by -Ninja_Jesus-

  1. For me it’d be relevant because it’s showing a level of self-confidence in their body that I don’t have for myself and I’d be insecure about that. Additionally, I am mono-amorous and mono-sexual, so I would want to date someone who would give me that kind of attention exclusively. Full respect to the person if it’s their career or hobby and/or it pays well. It would be a huge relationship obstacle for me, is all.
  2. And it was, like, pretty successful. With videos and stuff. I don’t know if I would if I were single. Like if presented with the opportunity and all. I’d have to really like the person.
  3. Completely. Married and not in Hawaii anymore.
  4. Hello! Yes we still live in this hellhole. How goes the outside?
  5. You’re not supposed to pee on the floor! Pee goes on the pee pee pad! 😡
  6. I mean, I’m not quite caught up on forum drama, so I don’t know if it’s a bad take or not. I’m just not invested like I used to be and, like, there are bigger issues in the world rn.
  7. Seeing as it’s a thread I made, sure, this place is made for me to reply to things.
  8. Fortunately I’m not in my teens anymore so your words don’t work on me.
  9. I lied about the fapping thread. My in-laws actually own the house.
  10. It’s my house, I bought it. The in-laws moved in and recently put up security cameras. I just forgot.
  11. But forgot your in-laws set up a security camera in the living room rip my life
  12. Not sure if it was Galaxian but I remember when all my alts were unbanned, other people who’s mains were banned started posting, it was great fun. I also remember when the boards were shifting to some other thing and all accounts became orange-ish or something, maybe I’m misremembering.
  13. I just had a few beers, it’s 4 am and I have work in a few hours. Hello!
  14. I’d say I wish that were me, but the vending machine only churns out everything the person’s bought in their past life, and unlike the protagonist, I’ve only bought food so it wouldn’t be interesting.
  15. Remember the huge glitch that unbanned all banned accounts temporarily?
  16. -Ninja_Jesus-


    Hello! Forums are a dying breed. At least this corpse has people in it! 😃😐
  17. I remember you, friend. Hello!
  18. The only complaint I have is that they didn’t animate Sun’s gunchucks.
  19. I wanna congratulate my coworker for scoring a big tiddy goth gf. Ya did good kid.
  20. I never took that seriously but apparently he did go to some user’s house or something.
  21. In IB all you had to be was random tbh. I didn’t get the feeling of exclusivity from the folder, as an IBer through and through. There were a bunch of jerks of course but every folder had ‘em.
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