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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. that it stops you from feeling natural? for example, you are doing something on a normal day but its slowed down or distracted you, or made you unsure of how you feel?
  2. look i have to leave. if anyone is remotely interested or empowered by my posts support me by encouraging me in this thread. i will be home later.
  3. then you dont know what a fried plantain is. some people slurp down these fried fruits in public, slupring, sucking and pulling anything of its worth into their mouths like a starving baby. now is fuggz a baby that deserves special treatment in public? no but is she a banana sucking whore, we dont know. maybe?
  4. but you always find success in being a creep, *^%$
  5. the trolls that harbor animosity towards gay, civil rights, and individual preferences, along with anecdotes, riddles, epitomes and enjoyment. if you have any other agenda, dont read into me trying to find significance, it wont be successful. amen.
  6. that was implied wasnt it? shes fucking lying like a toddler isnt she?
  7. thats true at least. i declare this thread solved!
  8. she had her bladder removed because of people like you! have some sensitivity you oaf
  9. im sure theres a dick somewhere you could be slurping
  10. this is just a clever epitome of self-worth and doubt most people have. maybe you can learn words and then you'll know what i meant
  11. i worked for a charity thats raised hundreds of homeless children
  12. you'd go home and thank your mom for pissing away your eternity. obv. because youre so successful at being a real, natural winner. good times. good times.
  13. mochi, if i had a million dollars "i'd buy you a house...."
  14. im not defending bnmjy, hes a fucking asshole. but it doesnt make you look any better or look cool to showoff the mans problems, or his mom has problems or whatever. its distasteful, it makes you look weak and desperate for something to disagree with, and isnt a source of anything useful or truthful to repeat what he said to taunt him. he called his mother dumb. shes his mother, he can call her whatever the fuck he wants without someone taking personal notes and disparaging him in the future. it seems you have dick-sizing syndrome. you must feel so inadequate to constantly compare yourself to other people trying to find an advantage. if he gave a fuck what you thought, the title would have been, "Dane, what do you think of my mom?" but its not is it? it doesnt mention "Dane," or any of Dane's useless opinions, does it? nope.
  15. dont forget distance to a laundromat if you dont have a car. i have forgotten that one before
  16. yes. people understand discussion forums are one of today's typical hobbies. they suffice as a source of significant entertainment and qualify as an productive activity if they demonstrate a meaningful exchange.
  17. that wasnt me, it was obviously the cyborg bunny takeover
  18. what if they exploded with all of their anger at one given moment, like a super nova?
  19. im glad to hear it. i wasnt sure who i was turning into for a minute.
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