im not defending bnmjy, hes a fucking asshole. but it doesnt make you look any better or look cool to showoff
the mans problems, or his mom has problems or whatever.
its distasteful, it makes you look weak and desperate for something to disagree with,
and isnt a source of anything useful or truthful to repeat what he said to taunt him.
he called his mother dumb. shes his mother, he can call her whatever the fuck he wants
without someone taking personal notes and disparaging him in the future.
it seems you have dick-sizing syndrome. you must feel so inadequate to constantly compare yourself to other people
trying to find an advantage. if he gave a fuck what you thought,
the title would have been, "Dane, what do you think of my mom?" but its not is it? it doesnt mention "Dane," or any of Dane's useless opinions, does it? nope.