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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. was unexpected, really unanticipated, conversation, but... i can tell you why i am thinking about it. this interview. this guy has to be one of us,. listen to the words he uses. this guy has defs been to IB or FFA
  2. its all about the average joe writing checks in blood and tears, and then throwing them into a fire of greed, when most peoples family are hungry.
  3. yes. a waste of money is leaving more than 10% of your life earnings in the bank.
  4. ok? because that was very confusing for me.
  5. robots. i cant even believe my fucking eyes that theres a 10K thread in FFA since AUG18. seriously i shit myself everytime i think about it.
  6. i will seriously unlimitedly kudo stalk you if you can remind me the posters SN that made the alt Team10000... for a bazillion kudos.??
  7. alright. i really thought i wanted a 10,000 thread tribute, then i thought i hated it (when did you get the time to do this without me noticing,?) but im going to put in my post. shout out to Team10000, Mau_Mau_Mojo and some mysterious poster made that thread possible. they might still lurk. i tried to be in the thread but you know, social awkwardness prevented that. there was 5,000 posts about the great Izuzu lol j/k who made the alt Team10000 for unlimited kudo stalking.? it was locked? that was almost equal to a ban back then. WHOAH!?!? and they left it open for the IBers. cool thread
  8. it was 3 am and i rose from my slumber to quench my thirst with a cold cola. inside my apartment building i smelled endless BBQs and then prayed to the creater or Earth that i might understand theres a fire. 3am indoor BBQs 3am indoor BBQs 3am indoor BBQs 3am indoor BBQs *BBQ-in BBq-in BBQ-in BBQ-in 3am 3am 3am 3am BBQ indoor thank you jesus, it must be FIORE.
  9. yes. how on earth would that warrant a screw driver stabbing?
  10. its free. its basic version has 50+ free channels
  11. like:, where u been? havent seen 'er, used to post alot
  12. @Misaka this is about you. not me. dont drag me into it
  13. @Misaka im not a prop for your stupid social queues, and im not an example for you to defend yourself with.
  14. @Misaka i dont remember going nuts over bnmjy sexist and perverted jokes.... anyone else remember me going nuts?
  15. i asked about you once
  16. who has tried pluto tv? give me your opinions.
  17. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/02/08/national/korean-hibakusha-hiroshima-recalls-dual-discrimination-secretly-endured/
  18. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20180806_22/
  19. this would be in the top few titles "current life" or "modern life" gluttonous sins. (its fun to stand in judgment of your own faults, even if you dont believe in god) i bring this up because the kinds of things people can "ignore" or "blame" others for today are so impossibly unrealistic, and we've accused everything we can not face the responsibility for as well. as tragedies and other societal issues, like recycling in a developing nation control economies and whatnot how could you not feel a little responsible, eh? (alright, i understand this point of view from two different perspectives, 1 is that some people might think its not society's problem from a global perspective at all, what people in their specific societal circumstances in these struggling countries, with no food and no jobs, and living with it already and are fixing the problem of securing a future in their leaders hands, and we need to pull together to show humanitarian society 2 is that we just completely ignore it all and act like we are the only country. the problem is weve gone so far to a world of convenience and luxury it will never be easy to see past ignorance we've accused it all away, but not forgetting to accuse ourselves of being innocent.
  20. its not that straight up when it comes to good and evil or even just law. cant be straight up all the time if it lands you in jail or dead
  21. this is the first post you ever made that is general enough for me to feel included
  22. with a name like his. https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/o/odorro01.shtml
  23. i knew limbo players were fucked up man
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