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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. wouldnt the weirdo stalking you know? wouldnt the weirdo stalking you know? wouldnt the weirdo stalking you know?
  2. on a branch of 1000 buddhas constantly teaching other buddhas new buddha ways on their journey to enlightenment, with complete ascension, but not reigning as a buddha that wants power will have to be on another spiritual branch. suspended in enlightenment to see the eternal wisdom of creation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nichiren_Buddhism
  3. i want to be one of the buddhas that teach the other buddhas how to be new buddhas
  4. ascension to enlightenment
  5. you need a autopizzza live the pizza dream, or learn how to teleport
  6. you dont want to talk about telekinesis?
  7. all thought and brain activity is contained somewhere. our minds can literally move stonehedge around like toy blocks if we knew how to use it. i can hear the first thoughts of a newborn cheetah, or the whispers of a swooping bird. the thoughts of all kinds of people in all kinds of situations, constantly filling the unconscious with the power to generate thought from intuition like magic, reading minds, predicting outcomes, seeing the unknown and perceive a reality where the concept of physical reality traps the mind, yet the mind wanders.... where does the mind go?
  8. forgot his alt. it was almost as many posts as a main
  9. i will hike, climb, kayak, and backyard fence jump from now on. boycott roads!
  10. where im at, is that the meaning of those things to people has a affect on civilization to all of us. without things like a "bear god" (i dont know if there is one) generations wouldnt have had teachings about bear hunting. so to establish the importance of the bear to their civilization, they taught about either idolizing the kill or glorifying the hunt or whatever they need a "bear god" for. where i differ is that those things represent real forces in the universe. flying is godlike because gravity kills, or an interpretation of a hallucination in the mind describing metaphysical laws
  11. actually i want you to just vent some of the things that personally inspire you about any of it, as long as its myth-related so i can read it. i want to know what you like. then we'll see where the discussion goes ok?
  12. ok. but mythology explains them all from the basics of human understanding
  13. my point is things like, science, intoxication, fear, lust, hate, and religion are all interpretative mythologies. so everyone must have something to say
  14. things that cant be changed or manipulated by humans, like laws of physics, were all given the title and nomination of gods
  15. ..idunno spout off anything for me... for the thread that you personally use as your interpretation concerning anything at all about classic mythologies. USE INTERPRETATIVE OPINIONS PLEASE DONT START TALKING ABOUT FUNDAMENTALS. entry 1 (good luck to my thread!) i think someone sat in meditation and imagined the ultimate forces that actually make up our universe. someone saw that between two beings there is differences, distinctions, meanings and understandings. they realized that many definitions of the universe around them need to be used like tools and words to describe what they see. above must be something and below must be something. in the sky there is more unknown, coincidentally below is unknown. the distinctions between living and dead had to be defined, the concept of killing, survival, family, and celebration, loss, pain, and happiness must be defined. it makes a lot of sense to me that in conversations and in understanding one another's place in the universe, balances and theory of what the fuck was going on would need to be there. thats what myths are. they are how people described the stuff they saw.
  16. please check out my new sig in the sig's folder.
  17. his full name is Bnmjy Aliencuck.
  18. bnmjy's dad left his mom to get pounded in the ass by aliens
  19. **insert gay aliensex jokes** so much more erotic and funny if bnmjy had any class. but he'd rather beat me to the punch than be funny. dork dork dork and the alien ally angle is good, because as long as there was an ultimate evil or the coexisting of species is necessary we can adapt and learn. **more gay aliensex jokes**
  20. i guess he was saying that he also believes in an evil worse than all evils
  21. you never saw an alien bitch. one just teleported in here and turned the room pitch black, and all i could see was a white ghostly shape of his face and the eyes were even darker, and it said that no matter how scared i was it cant be worse than Satan. therefore we have the same god.
  22. that the same god created him as the one that created me. then i thought of that saying that god had many sons or something like that
  23. what i am saying is that even your most diligent comedians are lacking in the skills necessary to produce laughter from even the craziest of inebriated white men, even if they were suffering from a disease that causes laughter.
  24. id have to eat twice as much just to see if i could taste ya
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