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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. suicide joke?
  2. right but they are also the most controversial, hard to relate to, and most original/creative... thing a lot of people find difficult or intimidating. i dont want to lose anyone that feels like they dont fit in in noise
  3. i hope he left uemb an inheritance to divide evenly between all the members
  4. i dont care every pictrure of me for eternity has 1/4 of a mustache under my nose
  5. i dunno i like a gruff gruntle nasty gnarly sick looking shitty beard a lot more than a stupid button stache
  6. yeah fucking immortalized it but thats not the point. i like a small mustache too, but fucking man, where is the appeal in like idunno,,,, shaving ever again or changing shit up? youre basically stuck with that once you show it off for a few years. its as immortalized as the emerald city handlebars or the worlds longest beard, , , , , its an upsidedown goatee and i just think it isnt world, like, worthy of that much fucking attention, its like beyond conspiracy theory and probably photo shop
  7. the pic is so realistic i can taste the pussy from here...
  8. is that charlie chaplin? his goes to the side of both nostrils and looks a lot better than hitlers the second pic looks a lot more like hitlers its like he put a goatee on the wrong lip looks like shit
  9. on how fucking weird adolf hitlers mustache is...?!?! has it been photoshopped for all these years? he looks like a complete ass
  10. eternal.... history never goes away!!!
  11. ..
  12. are you saying how the #1 spot is for realz not popular?
  13. love obamacare. love healtcare reform. love the USA
  14. if youre looking for temporary fix
  15. i have never seen such beautiful ears!
  16. i have eyes and ears so everything i observe is exactly the way i see it
  17. ALMOST? you expect us to know where the lies start and the bullshit begins?
  18. im too mean for my own good sometimes i made a thread abou t hurting my own feelings all the time with my own negativity
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