because that was the first thing i put in here, IT BETTER NOT BE GENITALS BECAUSE I DONT TOLERATE YA NASTYS
@AnimationFan14 hannibal is always welcome round these parts
@Cau The first time i had it i had a problem with texture, but its not the best thing
@Kudasai i almost died eating that stuff while watching samurai jack, ah good times
i dont miss living with my dads mania
I dont miss my pills, I forget to take them and feel like im gunna vomit and my heart feels like its gunna explode
but i dont have mania and my pills only ever helped me sleep
its not really about how many people are gay or not that makes it a sin
its about changing the minds of those who are against it, the powerful religious group and leaders
even if everyone was gay they would find a way to spin it and manipulate it to where the truth would be changed
just like the cardinals who have been molesting boys because of their sexual repression instead of just living their lives as they are
sin is fabricated
humans are corrupt
life is pain
Jar Jar binks happens to be Snoke, Reys parents, a sith lord, AND c3p0's lover AND the last jedi, AND a pod racer AND 3 luke skywalkers stacked ontop of one another