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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. At least you didn't say I'm butthurt, and just need to take a break because I'm having a melt down. You know that I have my qualms about her as well.. So fair enough.
  2. Maybe she has problems.. but she's definitely not the one that needs some time spent being a punching bag if you ask me. I really don't even want to stir up "drama" with this post, but like everyone else I have opinions, and I at least try to keep my disagreements down to a civil amount of bickering.
  3. Someone was using the madison alt just a day or two ago to continue goading her about her parenting skills.. Also I don"t believe this would even work if the account wasn't still usable. @Madison
  4. It was never my intention to go to war on the subject, and I don't believe that's what I'm doing now even, I did DM Pat about this stuff though. Not really wanting that to have to be a course of action honestly.
  5. For me working under an LLc it was the first time.. LLC's being Limited Liability Corporations.. The one I was working for crumbled.. and I was left jobless with the promise I was to be hired onto a new one, but they dragged their feet.. someone in debt buying a house can't wait for empty promises to come to fruition.. So that's how I ended up working my last crummy job.
  6. I'm very sorry for having to rope you into another thread concerning myself, and other users displeased with the moderation. You told me to hit you up directly so I am doing so I guess.. I responded to Rogues thread about having a good weekend with the hope of maybe a peaceful reconcile? Maybe responding at all was bad on my part I don't know? After what followed my initial post it's hard to say if that wasn't bait from the get go. I'll let YOU decide because I am aware that it's your job here to do that, and I believe you have done so respectably. 


    1. Raptorpat


      Your initial reply did not trigger that thread to spiral.

      Rather, your reply to Still_Me ("what a bitch") did.

      • Rogue didn't understand you were responding to her, asking what "the bitch comment" was.
      • You didn't understand what Rogue meant by "the bitch comment".
      • Still_Me attempted to clarify that "the bitch comment" was the one where you replied to her "what a bitch".
      • You apparently didn't understand what she was doing, and things got weird from there.
  7. Yeah Ric, but it's not the @Madison alt that has been trying to start drama here. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Viper responsible.. but it's hard to say since he's become a scapegoat.
  8. I'm not the one responsible for that painful Madison alt. I'll tell you that much. and you already know my only beef with you is that you play into the hands of the same people that want to shut you down.
  9. My favorite christian channel is pewdiepie. fuck my life why'd I say that I swear I'm unsubscribing god dammit. Who is Chris O donnel.. I don't follow his work, and I am about to go to sleep..
  10. Few days after my birthday I got fired.. My dogs think I'm a depressed piece of shit, and my mental break down has been the subject of many trolls here.. But still.. Seems ok?
  11. Heart attack Grill.. Fuck the place. but I guess I can;t knock them for good marketing practices..
  12. Well put.
  13. You saw that Black Mirror episode didn't you..
  14. Dammit LB. They arent all stupid right... Not that I can claim to be on Elon Musk lvl, but lol.
  15. Guess he deleted the track or sold it.. damn.
  16. This might be the beginning of a chorus.. beat is catchy. I'd rather rap, but the section I have to fill was meant for a projected singing voice. fml.
  17. I'm here, but mute soul pumping; heart so true I fear..we're all screwed
  18. Nah I've never been into award shows.
  19. At least he has a job. I don't even have one of those anymore.. Seems pretty comfortable with himself if you ask me.
  20. They've had to try other things.. but I think they're still trying to hold it together so I'm sure they'd love some views.
  21. These guys made an ironic or Sceptical POV channel just for things like this, but their channel hasn't been doing very well. You guys heard of them? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChYTPttLdJsJpVRLMUaGfAA
  22. Yeah, but I'm too sceptical to believe anything that's went viral like that.
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