Okay... I prove you wrong and then you attack the web source.
He's not a consultant.
Consultants are people who come into places like this casino, submit bullshit reports and collect seven or eight hundred grand for two and a half months' work.
The HR department could be an obstacle to getting employment when you don't fit any of the affirmative action boxes. In this case, he was interviewed directly by the business owner. No barrier.
What makes it so unbelievable to you? Yes, it's quite possible to fully vest a pension before age thirty five. Yes, a pension grows with EVERY year one spends on the job.
My pensions currently make me worth more money retired or disabled than working. Mine were vested before age thirty five. How many other people can say that?
So, who decides whether to pour the foundation? It's all about managing the schedule to ensure that the guys who hang the drywall don't show up before the plumbing and electrical get finished.